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  1. S

    Too much TA added...

    I still haven't checked numbers... had a busy few days with kids' birthdays... will check this week.. possible that So2 is high too I suppose. But to me it's more of a case of an overly tart tasting wine.. Well, at least the wine is protected!
  2. S

    Too much TA added...

    I'll check numbers and get back to you... don't know anything about cold soaking or adding PB
  3. S

    Too much TA added...

    Hey folks, I already knew this but I'm afraid I've added too much tartaric acid to a 2016 batch. I left it alone for a long time and tested it tonight hoping that time would have mellowed the acid.. guess not. The acid is overpowering any of the grape's characteristics... my wife said it...
  4. S

    Am I calculating this correctly (S02 with Vinmetrica)

    I figured out what went wrong... I forgot to add the 2 ml of acid! D'Oh!! I did the test again and It was 12 PPM. So I added about 2,7 grams of Kmeta per 54L demi to bring it up to 45 PPM Thanks!
  5. S

    Am I calculating this correctly (S02 with Vinmetrica)

    I started with 5ml as per instruction. What was left in the syringe was 2.8 ml! So 20 x 2.2 = 44 (or do I multiply 20 x 2.8?) Either way it seems like I have enough free So2 I had a busy week so I didn't get back sooner... wine is still sitting in demis untouched since last test. I have 30...
  6. S

    what do you HATE the most about wine making?

    testing and racking isn't that fun... especially when you have to check s02 every couple months... of course cleaning/sanitizing is a pain..
  7. S

    Am I calculating this correctly (S02 with Vinmetrica)

    Hey folks, I have done these tests before but still pretty novice with the Vinmetrica. I am posting this b/c I am unsure if I got the right reading and/or did the correct calculation. I used a 5ml amount of So2 titrant solution, 25 ML of wine and 2 ml of So2 acid reagent - I believe I followed...
  8. S

    "over-innoculating" MLF?

    Yup, stayed at 1.003 Wasn't going to lose anymore sleep over it... tried but whatever... It tastes ok... oak it, add some tannins keep up with the S02 and hope for the best!
  9. S

    "over-innoculating" MLF?

    BTW, I only use Opti Malo Plus along with the bacteria... Are you folks using other ingredients?
  10. S

    "over-innoculating" MLF?

    thank you very much!
  11. S

    "over-innoculating" MLF?

    hey folks, I am about to innocuate just over 28 gallons of sangio for MLF Can i just divide the 2.5 gram package of bacteria which is actually for 66 gallons? Additionally is it possible to add too much nutrient (opti malo plus)?
  12. S

    Opti Malo Plus shelf life?

    How long does an unopened pack last stored at 67F for an entire year+ Is it still ok to use for an MLF? Thanks!
  13. S

    Stuck fermentation update

    i did but I took some idea from Scott
  14. S

    Stuck fermentation update

    this is what I did... Go Firm, then yeast.. It was left o stand for an hour at least and it foamed up... I stirred well, used warmish non-chlorinated water (we are on a well).. I mean how darn sensitive is this yeast? EC1118 is supposedly a strong yeast.. going to check on it now So just...
  15. S

    Stuck fermentation update

    Actually, added nutrient to water first and stirred then added yeast - So i messed this up... ok.. back to the drawing board..
  16. S

    Stuck fermentation update

    Ok, but am I doubling up with water and stuck wine or just wine? I have 750ML right now in each mason - 500 ml wine, 250 water... should I add 500 ml of wine? The activity is pretty weak. It's fizzing a little but you have to put your ear to it to hear. Also, should I stir up the bottom...
  17. S

    Stuck fermentation update

    And so you ddin't bother trying it in your main batch? I am finding the same thing is happening.. just fizzing a bit right now so some C02 being produced... If it doesn't foam is it useless to pitch? It won't restart? Well, if that't the case, I'll be starting an MLF and living with what I...
  18. S

    Stuck fermentation update

    This is what I did yesterdya afternoon... the starters are starting to ferment in mason jars right now! It's from How To Make A Wine Yeast Starter For restarting 5 or 6 gallons, take a quart jar and fill it...
  19. S

    Stuck fermentation update

    I am seriously considering racking into two 54L demis... this would make it easier to work with in theory... or should i just work with the 7 carboys and make the one concoction for all of the vessels? Someone mentioned that the gross lees might be beneficial at this stage.. not sure about that...