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    Newton Vineyards

    LVMH Closes Newton Vineyards in California Permanently No Reconstruction After the 2020 Fire Disaster Newton Vineyards in Napa Valley will not be rebuilt four years after the destruction caused by the devastating wildfire "Glass Fire" and is closing permanently. By Wein‑Plus GmbH The winery...
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    Vandals Destroy Experimental Vineyard in Verona First NGT Vines in a Field Trial Unknown individuals have destroyed the first NGT vines planted in a field trial. By Wein‑Plus GmbH Unknown perpetrators destroyed ten Chardonnay vines on the campus grounds of the University of Verona in San...
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    Smoke Free Wine

    Smoke Free Wine Researchers from the University of Adelaide (Australia) have developed a new method for removing unpleasant smoky aromas from wines. Grapes absorb the aromas produced by forest fires, which then become perceptible in the wines and diminish their quality. They evoke smoke, ash...
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    Wife: If a Tiger attacks your wife and your mother-in-law, who would you save? Husband: I'd save the tiger, there's not many left! the husband is in intensive care!
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    I met a former colleague in the park. He had three little kids, the oldest one was four years old. 'My God!' I said. 'You didn't waste any time after you got married.' He replied, 'It happens every year. My wife gets pregnant every time I have a vacation. This year I'm going to take her with me!'
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    1,800-year-old wine cellar discovered near San Gimignano New findings about wine in Roman times

    A wine cellar around 1,800 years old has been found near San Gimignano in Tuscany. During excavation work in the Roman Villa Aiano, which dates back to between the fourth and seventh centuries AD, a large hall measuring 30 by nine metres was discovered. It was supported by six pillars. Thirty...
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    08.08.2024 Napa Valley grape harvest six weeks earlier than 2023 06.08.2024 Austria: Earliest harvest start in almost five decades It's getting warmer again!
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    Think about it!

    Manchester United, have signed a new Greek striker. His name is Christianpopulopis Masampa. The rest of the team have shortened his first name to Chris!
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    Wine Tunnel

    New vine umbrella to protect grapes from rain "Viti-Tunnel" from France against mildew, frost and hail The French company Mo.del has developed a "vine umbrella" called the "Viti-Tunnel". The French company Mo.del has developed a "vine umbrella" called the Viti-Tunnel, which can cover rows of...
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    How to process Elderflowers after they have been picked. Over the years, I've tried different ways of removing the flowers from the stalks. This year, I'm just snipping the flowers from the stalks with scissors. It's a quick way to do it, but you do miss a few flowers, and you do get a few small...
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    Worry-free Alcohol?

    Whey protein gel breaks down alcohol in the body Will it soon be possible to drink wine without worrying? 2 min. read View original Researchers at ETH Zurich have developed a gel made from whey protein fibres that can break down alcohol before it enters the bloodstream. The alcohol is converted...
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    Wishful thinking

    Chap no.1 was standing at the urinal doing his business when the door burst open and chap no.2 dashed in and pointed Percy at the porcelain. 'Just made it,' he said. No.1 glanced sideways, 'Bloody hell,' he gasped. 'I wish you could make one like that for me!'
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    Luigi, the 62-year-old Italion stallion was sitting at the bar when a young gorgeous blonde girl sat beside him. ‘You speaka Italiano?’ he asked. ‘Si, a little,’ she replied. ‘Do you speak English?’ ‘Si, a bit,’ he said. ‘Inglese?’ She shook her head. ‘You lika bicchierino?’, he asked...
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    Researchers at TU Wien solve the mystery of the champagne cork pop Why do champagne corks pop when they are opened? A team from the Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer at the Vienna University of Technology (TU) has mathematically analysed what happens when champagne corks are...
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    Strong wine

    I suppose this could be called Strong or Fortified Wine 😀 Customs investigators in Hong Kong have intercepted a record 444 kg of liquid cocaine hidden in a 20-foot shipping container with bag-in-box wines. They arrested two people. The estimated street value of the cocaine was almost 59 million...
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    Woman's beauty

    Three old boys were sitting on a bench in the park when this elderly woman walked by. First one said, 'I remember her when she was in her twenties. She was a good-looking gal.' Second one said, 'She still is.' The third one said, 'She needs ironing!'
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    Wine distill

    I can't remember which thread it was on about France distilling a huge amount of wine. I've just read that Germany is considering doing the same. They blame overproduction, but always forget to say that it helps stop the wine being sold cheaper to the public, and maintains the price level in the EU!
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    Building material

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    This may interest Rose makers! Ultrasound maceration for rosé wines Irradiating grapes with ultrasound can replace the usual maceration phase for rosé wines. This is what researchers from the Spanish universities of Murcia and Castilla La Mancha found out. They produced a rosé from grapes...
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    Just read on Wein-Plus that Bordeaux is suffering 55% infection of Downy Mildew on their vines. Italy is also 40% affected. Looks like it's going to push already rising prices even higher. Encouragement for us home wine-makers to make even more! :D