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  1. ratflinger

    Finer Wine Kit New Limited Edition Kits Drop

    Combo of vacuum juice and fresh juice with the crush skins included, only a 3-gal kit though.
  2. ratflinger

    Finer Wine Kit Experiment with yeast starter

    Thought I'd share. I've been making FWK kits with a yeast starter recipe from MoreWine. Their recipe using Go-Ferm and Fermaid-O. I wanted to see if it made a difference from using the chems provided by FWK. This made a fine starter, kicked the yeast off in just a few hours, must fermented...
  3. ratflinger

    Oh God, it's killing me!

    I have 12 carboys full of wine in various stages and my primary fermenters were emptied today. FedEx will deliver 2 FWK's tomorrow and alleviate that issue. However I look up at my storage racks and I see 1 junky 6 gal plastic carboy and 2 3 gal Better Bottles, gee I could shove 2 more kits...
  4. ratflinger


    Anyone else notice that they seem to have gone out of stock everywhere. Any idea what's up with that? Found one place - 3000 minimum, think I'll wait
  5. ratflinger

    Server Upgrade

    Is the forum actually buying a server or is this, I assume, a fee to get us loaded on a larger and more powerful server? Just curious
  6. ratflinger

    Scottzyme Products

    Wondering if anyone has used HC and/or PEC5L? Scott claims these enzymes help decrease turbidity & aids in filtering, I assume by making the solids drop instead of remaining suspended. Maybe instead of K&C. I've been making the FWKs without any of their chems. My wife, who has an excellent...
  7. ratflinger

    Finer Wine Kit Holy Semi-Commercial Batman! Or where do I get 100L fermenters?

    FWK introduces the Winery Series! - Apx 61L - 77L depending upon the version. Able to order up to 12 skin kits and a pound of seed. Thank the Lord that I just do not have room to scale up to this size, it will keep me sane.
  8. ratflinger

    For Sale Free in San Antonio Area - Carboys

    I have two 6.5 gallon glass carboys and one 6 gallon glass. No shipping so has to be pickup and I can meet you. These are free to any member that wants them.
  9. ratflinger

    20L Speidel

    I know the advertised size is 5.3 gal, but is that measurement to the neck, shoulder or where? Mainly I'm wondering how much does this fermentor hold. Rated for 5.3 gal but will it actually hold 6?
  10. ratflinger

    Damn, broke a carboy today

    Glass 6-gallon. Fortunately it was just after cleaning so no wine was lost - whew. Slipped as I was putting it back on my shelf. I have excess Better Bottles so I think I'll replace it with that, it's much lighter and plus when I see empty carboys I want to fill them! Thinking I might want...
  11. ratflinger

    Finer Wine Kit 5 more FWK's dropped today - pre-order only

    5 more new kits dropped into pre-order status today! Quatre Blanc - Forte Greater Australia Red Blend - Forte & Tavola Cheverny White - Tavola Sucree Blanc - Tavola
  12. ratflinger

    Finer Wine Kit New FWK - White Bordeaux Tavola

    Title says it all - received email this morning and ordered one.
  13. ratflinger

    Thank God for Everclear

    Fortunately in Texas we can buy 190 proof, otherwise I'd have to use other means to obtain it. I use it for fortifying port or sherry like products. Being 190 a little goes a long way. My wife uses it to strip lemons of their oils and flavors to make Lemoncello. You do have to remember to...
  14. ratflinger

    I made something that tastes suspiciously like sherry.

    Messing around a while back and wife was wanting some port. I wanted a white port and a batch of FWK Sav. Blanc was nearing the end of it's bulk aging. On bottling day I pulled off a gallon into a jug. I added 1C 190 proof, 1/2 tsp pecan flavor, 1/2 tsp caramel flavor, and 1/4 tsp of bourbon...
  15. ratflinger

    Finer Wine Kit New packaging

    Gone is the large styrofoam box, now we have a bubblewrap thermal bag. Smaller shipping footprint also. Shipped on Tuesday, arrived in South Texas today (Thur) around 10am. Temp inside bag is 57*. Wine, skin, and ingredients bags are still the same. Well done FWK, less trash.
  16. ratflinger

    Channeling BigDaveK

    Made a pindo wine last summer. If you don't know, pindo is a palm tree that makes a sweet, tasty fruit that can be made into a jam. You can taste the pindo, but it's not really good. I just mashed up a bunch of the fruit in a water/sugar mix and fermented it. Maybe I should have used a white...
  17. ratflinger

    Other Who else is waiting for the next FWK sale?

    I have empty primaries, I need a sale!
  18. ratflinger

    Paging BigDaveK

    @BigDaveK Your next adventure awaits
  19. ratflinger

    Other Anti-tamper lid on FWK

    Well they are back, Merlot didn't have one, but the Sangiovese did. Let me state - I hate them as much now as I did before. Pulled in the direction of the arrow, nothing happening. Got some pliers and pulled in the arrow direction, only succeeded in ripping the pull tab right off. Ended up...
  20. ratflinger

    Other FWK 'Temporary Wine Concentrate Bag'

    A request Matteo - I prefer the bags you are using now verses the pre-supply chain issues bags. I don't have to struggle with the pull off tab. Hopefully the bags you are using now are cheaper so that it will be an easy decision to keep using the cap-only bags. And on a side note - my 5...