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  1. Rocky


    I would like to know if anyone has a good method for dissolving bentonite in water as is commonly used in the first step of preparing a wine from a kit. Is there any way to reduce the clumps of "mud" produced in this step. I recall years ago one of the kit producers had a bentonite that...
  2. Rocky

    Other Wine making from Juice.

    With the ridiculous price increases that I have seen in grapes and kits, I note that juice buckets have not increased in proportion. I can still get a 6 gallon bucket of juice for around $60-70, here in Oho. Therefore, I plan to concentrate my future wine making in that direction. This is an...
  3. Rocky

    WineXpert Fast vs. Slow fermentation

    I would like to hear the forums views on the benefits or issues with fast vs. slow fermentation. I am making four kits which I began on 2-3-25. The next morning, the fermentation was unimpressive but my cellar temperature was in the mid 60's F and I thought temperature could be a factor. I added...
  4. Rocky


    Another posting on resistor codes gave me an idea. We all learned certain mnemonics in school and it is amazing to me how well they are still remembered. Some have changed over the years. I though it might be fun to list some of them here for all to enjoy. A few I remember are: My Dear Aunt...
  5. Rocky

    To our friends in Helene's path...

    Sincerely hope that all is well with you and your families. Thinking about you. Hunker down!
  6. Rocky

    Interesting video on adding sulfur in wine making...

    I came across this video and I thought it was worth watching. I am not advocating either for or against the content, merely putting it out there for information. It has interested me to the point that I plan to make a batch of wine with no sulfur added, just to see what happens.
  7. Rocky

    Help from my gardening friends on the forum...

    I need some help from the gardening experts on the forum. I have a plant that is growing in the surrounding of my patio and I have no idea what it is or how it got there. It is a type of vine, really nice looking and healthy and I intend to transplant it from its current location to a bed. I...
  8. Rocky

    Musings from an old codger...

    I guess you could call this a "for what it's worth" posting and that may not be much. May 31 will mark my 82 trip around the Sun and I think I have learned some things that I wish someone had passed on to me. Depending on where you are in your life's journey, you may want to consider some of...
  9. Rocky

    For all of we dog lovers...

  10. Rocky

    Happy St. Patrick's Day

  11. Rocky

    Cleaning glass carboys

    I would like to throw this out for some input. What are your "go to" methods for cleaning glass carboys with old stains. I bought one recently on Craig's List, the price was right for a 5 gallon ($5 American) and it had some cloudiness on the inside. Thinking I could find a way to clean it, I...
  12. Rocky

    Bad spigot experience...

    I know that most of you don't use spigots on your fermenters or plastic carboys, but I do. I am beginning to re-think this position. Recently, I noticed leaking around spigots I had mounted on carboys. Examination of the spigots revealed a weakness in the design as the three that I have that...
  13. Rocky

    Squirrel problem

    The Presbyterian church called a meeting to decide what to do about their squirrel infestation. After much prayer and consideration, they concluded that the squirrels were predestined to be there, and they shouldn't interfere with God's divine will. At the Baptist church the squirrels had...
  14. Rocky

    Any members of German descent familiar with the language and folk music

    I wonder if anyone can help me with this. When I was very young (4 or 5 years old) we had a German couple who lived on our street and "Bur," which is what we called the wife, would occasionally baby sit my brothers and I. She taught us a song in German which I would like to rediscover and I have...
  15. Rocky

    The talking dog

    A guy walks into a saloon with a little dogs and sets him on the bar. He looks at the bartender and says, "My dog can talk!" The bartender says, "Bull crap!" "If I can show you, will you give me a drink?" he asks the barkeep, who readily agrees. He says to the dog, "What do you call the outside...
  16. Rocky


    A response to my "Signs" got me to thinking about graffiti that I have personally seen in various places. I thought maybe many of you have had that experience and would like to share some of the amusing musings of the general public. I will start with a few that I recall from college at a...
  17. Rocky

    Attention Western PA Winemakers

    Here is a sensational deal that I saw on Craig's List:
  18. Rocky

    Large steel fermenters

    I saw this on Craig's List here in Ohio. A company in Lima, Ohio is selling several kinds of food grade containers. Prices seem reasonable. Here is an example of 55 gallon steel drums for $30: Here is the link if anyone is interested...
  19. Rocky


    Just wanted to throw this out there. Is there a way to make bottling fun? I have all the best equipment (AIO system, new AIO bottling head, nice area to work, sink nearby for cleaning and sanitizing, etc.) and I still hate bottling. I have a lot of wine to bottle or blend and bottle but I keep...
  20. Rocky

    Peach wine clearing

    I am not a Country Fruit wine maker but I recently added nectarines to a batch of Chardonnay. Does anyone have a tip for clearing peach (in this case, nectarine) wine? Is it too late for pectic enzyme? Can I use bentonite? Would a second dose of Kieselsol and Chitosan help? Thank you.