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  1. verdot

    Tasting young wine in carboy/barrel.

    I’ve usually let carboys sit for a year before tasting at all, but I just sampled some Cabernet franc I made from my vineyard that was sitting in carboy since November and I really didn’t know what to make of it. It was pretty reduced and disjointed. Is that normal for wine at this point? How do...
  2. verdot

    Adding liquid tannin at fermentation.

    I’ve recently read about adding sacrificial tannin at the onset of fermentation. I had a bottle of LD Carlson liquid wine tannin (chestnut extract, water, propylene glycol) that I added as directed. But the stuff smells quite ripe of chestnut, and I’m concerned it’s showing up through the must...
  3. verdot

    Bottling - to purge, or not to purge…

    … that is the question. But safe to say purging with inert gas would be the preferred way to bottle. However, this year I did not do this. I added 200ppm of k-meta before bottling based on the ph and mistakenly bottled without adding argon. Now I’m wondering with the standard fill level just...
  4. verdot

    Fermentation funk odors

    Hi everyone. I’m fermenting my first crop of merlot and cab sauv from my small vineyard, and have a about 12 gallons of must fermenting at proper temps for the past few days. Everything seems fine, but I’m getting a strange, funky, rotten grape and deviled eggs (not sulfur) kind of odor that’s...