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  1. David Engel

    Ridiculous low PH

    Hi All, Second year attempt with Merlot. Starting out just like it did last year… brix of only 18 off the vine. They had to be harvested, swelling due to the rain and some already turning to raisins. Corrected with sugar to get a brix of 23 and sg of .96. Used my PMoYoko ph meter (yea it’s a...
  2. David Engel

    Another vineyard bird/varmit puzzle

    I have a new one for ya'll. We have a Flame grape vine that is several years old and has covered a cattle panel trellis we have. There is a nice brick walkway under it. About 3 days ago, I started seeing grape parts and skins on the bricks walkway underneith the trellis. Washed them off with the...
  3. David Engel

    Just lost my crop to birds!

    I can't believe it, I just can't frigging believe it. I was checking the Pinot vines this morning, everything was well. The wife just said there are birds in the back yard. Five out of six vines have ZERO grapes left on them. I'm so mad I could spit. I wasn't going to have enough to do anything...
  4. David Engel

    Local vineyard going to waste, picture here

    Hi All, There is a nice winery/vineyard 15 minutes from my house. The entire vineyard (2 + acres) is Pino Noir. At the beginning of the year, all the vines had nice starts, looking healthy, all the clusters were forming on what looks like very mature vines. I went back yesterday to look at them...
  5. David Engel

    Spindly unpopulated clusters

    Hi All, What causes a cluster to start off like "oh baby!" and then end up with about only 1/2 to 2/3 of the berries making it to Version? One vine has beautiful full clusters and the next not so much. Madening. Dave
  6. David Engel

    First Check of Last Year's Wine

    Hi All, Well 3 months has gone by since the 1st rack of my Merlot. When the 1st rack was done I had 2 gallons of free run juice and 2 1/4 gallons of pressed juice. The ph at the time of racking was a dismal 2.99 (this is merlot and should be up near touching 4) and the taste was tart. Well...
  7. David Engel

    1st Racking

    Hi All, Question for those who know. I read (everywhere, that the 1st rack is done 1-2 days after the crush (red grapes)). I enclosed a picture of my carboys and you can distinctly see the separation of color, and the gross lees on the bottom. All the research Im seeing says rack once and then...
  8. David Engel

    Vineyard got a face lift

    Hi All, Well this past week, I learned that Merlot is not the grape to be growing in Western Washington where I live as the season is too short and it doesn't get warm enough long enough. Typically Merlot needs at least 3 more weeks of good warm temperatures with our rain. But I also learned...
  9. David Engel

    Removing Vines

    Hi All, Before I divulge too much embarrassing information regarding my innocent ignorance… I have a statement and a question. I need to remove four 3 year old vines. I attempted one… this isn’t so hard the whole thing was moving earth and then stopped solid. It has two 3/4” thick roots that...
  10. David Engel

    Harvest Day…

    Hi All, Wow what a day. Harvested the vinyard (7 vines 😆) that amounted to about 55lbs of grapes and ended up with a tad over 6 gallons of must which should turn into about 3.9 gallons of juice (give or take). The crushing and de-stemming went well (really see the need for a crusher 😁). As I...
  11. David Engel

    What's going on with these berries?

    Hi All, I'm about a week (or so) away from harvest. We have had a ton of rain lately and when I went out today to check on things found this. It's only on 2 clusters. The 3rd picture is a cluster which represents about all others on all the vines. What do you think?
  12. David Engel

    Calcium or Potassium Carbonate

    Hi All, I want to be as ready as I can for the testing and correction of the must. I have artaric acid for upping the acidity and lowering the ph, but I do no have calcium or potassium carbonate to raise the ph (if needed). The hit results for the later on Amazon are staggering. What type of...
  13. David Engel

    Testing the Must

    Hi All, I don't want to assume anything with the process. I have a checklist from MoreWine that suggests you check for sugar, make that correction and then test the ph and acidity. Is that correct? Dave
  14. David Engel

    Have you ever looked at the forecast and want to cry?

    Hi All, As you may know, I’m a newbie in the grape growing and wine making hobby. I also only have 9 vines, but this year 8 of those vines produced like you see in the movies. 😀 Last year our September and October here in Western Washington were sunny and warm and really unbelievable. It rained...
  15. David Engel

    How long to to sit after SO2 before testing?

    Good Morning All, As I sit here studying my 2 favorite references for home winemaking, neither of them mention anything about letting the must sit for any length of time after adding SO2 before moving on to testing. They go right into discussion about testing and adjusting. I would think there...
  16. David Engel

    Have you ever done the lab work on a store bought bottle?

    Hi All, As I prepare for my first real year of attempting to make wine from my own Merlot grapes, I just opened a bottle of Merlot from my favorite commercial winery and thought “what is the ph, the acidity and the brix". Has anyone taken these measurements from a store bought wine? Couldn’t...
  17. David Engel

    Substitute for Star-San?

    Hi All, Found Star-San at Amazon for a good price… cannot ship to my address. I found Star-san at other sites with shipping that costs more than the product! 😡 Any good substitute for it to use as the sterilizing solution? Dave
  18. David Engel

    Primary Fermentation

    Hi All, The hope this year is I will have enough must after crushing to be able to use a 5 gallon bucket (may only be a couple gallons of must... I don't know how to judge that based on the number of clusters I have on the vines. I've seen folks just put a towel over the top and have also seen...
  19. David Engel

    Should I cut these off?

    Hi All, If the answer is yes, I probably should have done it long ago. At this stage of the game would it benefit to cut them off? They’ve grown out of the main cluster arm from the vine. Someone tell me what this is called, I’ve read a name but it eludes me.
  20. David Engel

    Need a better wine thief

    Good Morning Everyone, Last year I bought my first wine thief… a skinny little glass thing. It takes forever to get enough juice to fill a cylinder for the hydrometer. The only larger thief I seem to find is the 3 piece plastic thing that everyone says “don’t bother with, it leaks”. In some of...