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    I put my arm in the wine to get my ladle, I need help ?

    Hi, I am almost at the end of my fermentation, today when I took a sample from my wine with a ladle, I accidentally drop it inside my wine, today my SG is 1.003 so because the back side of the ladle was plastic, I panicked and put my arm in the wine and got the ladle, it was very instant but...
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    My first 2023 Merlot Wine Racking

    Hello everyone, Yesterday, exactly 15 days after pressing, I completed my 1st racking. Unfortunately, I experienced some setbacks. Don't try to shake the hydrometer you cleaned from the thin side in order to dry it. Normally, I do the opposite, but this time, for some reason, that happened and...
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    How to work out the amount of wine between racking

    Hi Everyone, Up until now, I have been using my 100 liter (26.5) Gallon tank for wine making it has a variable capacity lid which makes it super easy to manage the volume between rankings, I am about to start into country wine, I would like to make a Skeeter Pee and DB but there is one thing...
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    My 2023 Merlot Wine Making Experience.

    Hello everyone, I had the intention of making Merlot this year, as a result of my research, the closest place I could find to Istanbul - Turkey was the vineyard belonging to Mr. Alaettin Sevil in Tekirdağ Şarköy Güzelköy. I contacted him in advance and conveyed my request for 105 kg of Merlot...
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    How do you add PMS before crushing grapes ?

    Hi Everyone, You put your basket under the grape crusher, and before even starting to crush the grapes do you put your pms in the basket by dissolving it in some water or just put is as is in powder form ? and lets say if you have 5 baskets of grapes each 20 Kg( 44lb) you divide the total PMS...
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    When to press Merlot Wine ?

    Hi Everyone, This is my second year in winemaking and this year I am planning to make a Merlot Wine, as far as I understand this type of wine needs longer maceration time, like 10-12 days. In order to extract full color and making a bold wine, What do you think ? How long should the maceration...
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    My new self made Wine rack

    . Hi, This is my first year in winemaking and after I bottled all my wine I was left with 64 bottles, then I decided to purchase a wine rack, unfortunately the prices were way too high than I decided to make it myself after surfing the web to check some designs I calculated the space where I...
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    After corking some of the corks looks slightly elevated

    Hi, This is my first time in winemaking and I just finished corking, before corking I adjusted the nut on the floor corker and the corks are flush, so at this point everything seems ok, but some of my corks looks slightly elevated, from the beginning, what can I do to fix this problem, should I...
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    Searching for a fast flow SS Spigot

    Hi, I have a Sansone 100 Lt tank with a small spigot, the problem is it takes forever to rack the wine to another bucket with this spigot due to low flow rate, the thread size is 1/2" I am trying to find a good quality high flow SS Spigot, what can you recommend me ? I am attaching the one that...
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    Using Enolmatic Bottle Filler for the first time

    Hi, Everyone, This year I am making my first wine and I am planning to use Enolmatic bottle filler for the first time, there are a few things that I would like to ask, first of all the most important part enolmatic comes with a syphon wand but since I am going to use it with my SS tank there...
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    Can Fermentation Smell get on other wines which are stored in SS tanks with floating lid

    Hi, There is one thing that I am wondering, lets assume that you have 50 liters of wine stored in an SS Tank with floating lid and waterless air lock, and at the same time you do another country wine during this initial fermentation is it possible that the fermentation smell could get on to the...
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    Using a cap at 90 Days

    Hi Everyone, This is my first year of winemaking, and I am making Cabarnet Sauvignon from grapes in a 100 liter Stainless Steel "Sansone" Tank with a Variable Capacity Lid, I am now at 90 days did my second racking up to this point I was using a dry airlock, but since this is going to be a bulk...
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    My First Cabranet Sauvignon.

    This is my first year of winemaking, and I started with Cabarnet Sauvignon, everything went smooth, I did my second racking a few days ago at exactly 90 days since beginning, I took a sample, sniffed it, and there was this really nice fruity flavor, the color as you could see in the picture...
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    Minimal leaking in variable capacity lid and dry airlock gasket base need help

    Hi Everyone, This is my first year in winemaking and I am having some problems with minimal leaking in my variable capacity lid. After racking everything went ok except setting up with the variable capacity lid, so I would like to explain how I did things in details so you can understand...
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    How to rack at the end of second fermentation from a conical tank

    Hi Everyone, My second fermentation is about to be finished in a few days, this is my first year and I got a Sansone 100lt ( 26.5 Gallon) conical tank. It has a small tap at the end but the problem ise it takes too much time to rack the wine from there, but anyway with this type of conical tank...
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    Variable Capacity Lid Pump

    Hi, I have a sansone tank which came with a variable lid and a pump, I first did a leakage test which went ok, it also have a vale just before the entrance of the lid gasket for double protection, so I did as instructed opened the valve first unwind the pump valve, inflated the gasket up to 0.8...
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    Alternative Airlock

    Hi Everyone, This is my first wine making experience and I purchased a variable capacity Tank from an Italian company called Sansone, The only thing that I am not very happy is the waterless airlock with two marbles inside, the first time when I installed the airlock I put the gasket to the...
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    Fermentation Stuck At 1.000

    Hi, Everyone, when I checked the gravity on day 8 the gravity was 1.000 next day I check it was the same this morning I checked again it's the same no change at all, so can we say that the fermentation got stuck if so how can we fix it ?
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    Bucket size and the weight of grapes

    Hi, Everyone, as I am just starting, I am trying to understand how much grapes is needed lets say for a 8 Gallon fermentation bucket ? As far as I understand headspace is important should I only use 3/4 of the bucket to be on the safe side ? to this means I can top it up up to 6 gallons, bu to...
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    Malolactic Fermentation is it really necessary ?

    Hi, It is said that after primary fermentation, Malolactic Fermentation has to be done to make sure that it will crete the buttery mouthfeel, but in my country I could not find any ? in some videos they use Dry " Malolactic Bacteria - Viniflora CH16 " first of all is there any other way to...