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Winemaking Talk - Winemaking Forum

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  1. D

    Grapes for sale in south central PA

    We have a 7-acre vineyard south of McConnellsburg, PA and cater to small wineries and home winemakers. Our varieties include Aromella, Arandell, Noiret, Marquette, Vidal Blanc, Cayuga White, Stueben, Niagara and Melody. It is harvest time for most all of them. Contact me with any interest.
  2. D

    Grape grower

    Hi, I'm new to the forum. I have a 7 acre vineyard and grow many types of hybrid wine grapes. Looking for customers in the south central PA area. I am new to wine making and am wondering what is the best source for recipes. I prefer dry wines. Thanks!! Looking forward to learning from y'all.