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  1. GeoffMcG

    Frozen Chardonnay

    I use a freezer with temperature controller to cold stabilise my white wines. I ser the temp at 2 degrees C and leave it for a few weeks. A few d as ys ago I transferred 30 litres of chardonnay into the freezer but forgot to drop the temperature probe in. Consequently I now have a 30 litre...
  2. GeoffMcG

    Transplanting vines

    I want to relocate 9 six year old vines because the block the view from my afternoon wine drinking spot. My neighbour wants to plant them. I plan to wait until they are dormant then dig/pull them out so how. Any advice would be appreciated. What is the likelihood the vines will survive?
  3. GeoffMcG

    Reaction when adding PMS

    I'm making a batch of Rose. Primary fermentation was in late March. I have two carboys full, one 10 litre and one 23 litre. The wine in both containers have been treated identically. Today I added PMS to get 30 ppm so2. When I added to the 10L there was not reaction but when I added to the 23L...
  4. GeoffMcG

    Pinot noir berries shrivelling

    My grapes are a few weeks from harvest but many of the berries are staring to shrivel/dehydrate. I have had fruit set issues this season due to the weather and hence have bunches with a mixture of large and small berries. The small berries seem to be more affected than the larger berries but...
  5. GeoffMcG

    pH & TA both high

    I have just crushed my Pinot Noir grapes and the must pH is 3.9 and TA is 0.97 These are both higher than I would like. I could add tartaric acid to reduce the pH but I believe that would push the TA even higher. I would welcome any recommendations on how I should proceed.
  6. GeoffMcG

    Primary fermentation to carboy

    Hello fellow winemakers, What is the best way to move wine after primary fermentation into carboys for secondary fermentation? Last year I fermented about 170litres and used bucket to transfer it out into the press. The free run flowed through into a container then I pressed the rest. I'm...
  7. GeoffMcG

    New wine room

    Thought I would post a few photos of my newly completed wine room. I have a large she'd so built a stand alone room inside. Total size is 3.6 X 3.6m and it is divided into a lab/work area and a smaller barrel room/storage area. There is an A/C in the barrel room to keep the temperature down in...
  8. GeoffMcG

    MLF not starting

    I have three wines, one Chardonnay and two Pinot noir, that ended primary fermentation about 6 weeks ago. I did a tlc malolactic test today and found that the that pinots have completed mlf but the Chardy hasn't started. I added vp41 bacteria near the end of primary. Is it likely the Chardonnay...
  9. GeoffMcG

    Primary finished - how long is it safe

    Hello all, I'm making my first batch of Pinot noir from the grapes I grew. The primary fermentation is finished so I need to press the must and get it into clean carboys. My problem is my delivery of carboys is delayed so I have nowhere to put it. How long can I safely leave it in the...