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  1. R

    Time vs Temp for Color Extraction

    I’m curious everyone’s opinion on how to maximize color extraction. I have made CS for a few years in a row and every year the color is weak. I understand that higher temp means more color extraction, but that would also lead to a shorter fermentation, which would lead to less less color...
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    How quickly does mold form

    Hey all, what’s your experience with mold growth on the cap? I am nearing the end of my primary, 1.002 last night, but I think I’ve stalled out due to the cold temperatures (getting to low 40s at night and wine is in uncontrolled garage). I figured once I get the carboys inside to do MLF there...
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    Using Old Malolactic Bacteria

    Hey all, just realized I never bought malolactic bacteria for this year’s wine and won’t be able to receive it until probably 4-5 days after pressing. I do have CH16 in the freezer from last year, think this is any good still? Or do you all think I should just get a fresh batch and inoculate...
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    Vinegar from skins

    Does anyone reuse their skins to make vinegar after their wine is complete? My grandma did this for years, so figured I’d give it a try. I added skins, water and sugar back into the bucket to bring the SG up to 1.08ish and pitched yeast. Only thing is now I’m reading that a 10-11% wine will...
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    Critique my process

    Hey all, messing around with a few new techniques this year, let me know if you have any suggestions for my process or if you think it’s good as is, thanks! 2023 Process Crush grapes - no sulfites added Adjust sugar (with table sugar) and acid (with tartaric) if necessary, looking for ~1.100...
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    Yeast Comparison Experiment

    Hey all, I wanted to do an experiment for my own personal knowledge by fermenting with several different yeast strains. The easiest and cheapest way I thought of doing it is to buy a container of pure grape juice (no preservatives), throw them into solo cups and pitch each with a different...
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    Fresh grapes vs transported grapes

    Here’s an interesting one that I’d love to hear your opinions on: I live on Long Island and I typically buy my grapes in Brooklyn where they import them from Cali. So from the time it’s harvested to the time I crush could be a few days I would assume. However, I recently found some places...
  8. R

    How much color extraction is acceptable?

    Hey all, it’s that time of year again! So in reflection on my past two years of making wine from grapes (instead of kits) the final product has been consistently light in color. First year was Pinot Noir, second was cab sav. Now I understand that PN is notoriously lighter, but I didn’t...
  9. R

    How to learn wine faults

    I’m trying to get more advanced in my wine making skills, and I want to learn how to identify different types of wine faults. Has anyone every thought about purchasing the different spoilage bacteria (if this is possible), and purposely spoiling a small amount of wine for learning purposes? I...
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    Vacuum Degassing - calling all science nerds

    So I am familiar with vacuum transferring wine, which will degas in the process of racking, so I came up with the brilliant idea to just connect the vacuum pump directly to the carboy to pull a vacuum and let the CO2 escape. What I found was that under vacuum, many many large bubbles started...
  11. R

    Timeline for wine spoilage

    My Pinot noir is currently undergoing MLF, for which it will need to remain without sulfites for probably a couple months. I was wondering, if we assume you’re at a pH of 3.6 and 13ish percent alcohol, what kind of timeline are we talking for wine to start to spoil? Is it on the order of a few...
  12. R

    Fruit spoiling during AF?

    Hey does anyone have any tricks to prevent fruit from spoiling (going sour) during AF? I tried to make fig wine last year and it has some off aromas. I noticed toward the end of AF the figs floating didn’t smell very good (figs have a shelf life of a day or two). I believe a similar thing...
  13. R

    Has my MLF started?

    Hey I was wondering if MLF always creates visible bubbles. After AF was complete, I threw in CH16 directly into the wine, waited a few days, and nothing. Then about 5 days after the first inoculation, I started the CH16 in Acti ML (wasn’t necessarily enough for the full amount of MLB, but some...
  14. R

    Potential Stuck Fermentation Prior to MLF

    Good morning everyone, This is my first post on this forum, hoping to get some great pointers from you guys. I have some questions that I don’t know the answer to (don’t let me fool you, I’m still a beginning that just does a lot of research haha) Last weekend, I crushed 7 cases of Pinot noir...