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  1. B

    The Cran Plan

    Joining this forum has reminded me that on the internet just as much as in real life, I'm the quiet guy in the corner of the room that likes to listen to the conversation but doesn't say anything. There's always something interesting being discussed to read about, but I don't think I've posted...
  2. B

    My Attempt at a Blueberry Wine

    After a good deal of reading various fruit wine logs and recipes, I'm planning to start a batch of blueberry sometime in the next few weeks depending on when I see a good price on blueberries. I've developed a plan (outlined below), based on what I've compiled from other blueberry discussions...
  3. B

    Just Wanted to Say Hi

    I've been quietly poking around this forum for a little while, and thought it was about time to at least introduce myself and share the kind of funny backstory for why I'm here. A little over a year ago, some of my coworkers and I started joking that we should all quit our jobs to open a...