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  1. W

    Preserving/reserving topping off wine.

    I am about to perform the first racking of a Coloma Merlot juice wine into a one gallon carboy. I anticipate needing about 250ml of a commercial wine for topping off. I would like to reserve the rest for subsequent rackings. I'm thinking I can preserve the balance of the topping off wine by...
  2. W

    Would you peel this peach?

    I am going to attempt my first peach wine from fresh peaches. I have read that leaving the skin on enhances color and taste. Several of my peaches have brown spots. See attached photo. Can I leave these skins on?
  3. W

    Yeasts. Pick one.

    I am roughly following Jack Keller's recipe for "Old Italian Wine." My daughter has this big unruly grape arbor and after she finished her jelly and juices, she said I could raid the vine for what was left. I think they are Concord grapes. I ended up with about 15 pounds that I'm hoping to...
  4. W

    Oaking ? and Bucket ?

    I started this journey when I stumbled onto a video that promised an easy recipe for a wine from store bought juice that would be drinkable in two weeks. Wow, that beat the heck out of the three months I was waiting to drink my homebrew beer. So, I ran out and purchased one jug of Ocean Spray...
  5. W

    Water evaporated from air lock

    I have an old garage refrigerator that keeps everthing a frosty 59 degrees. I am aging a one gallon batch of juice wine in it. It's been about a month since my last rack and I had planned to rack again at three months and replace the air lock with the carboy lid. Bottling maybe at 6 months...
  6. W

    Air lock, topping off and aging questions.

    Keep in mind I am only doing one gallon juice wines for now so questions pertain to those. 1. I am following a recipe that has me covering the primary carboy with a paper towel secured with a rubber band for the first three days and then installing the air lock. Why? I mean, why not start...
  7. W

    Do I need to add sulfites?

    I'll introduce my self here although I'm aware there is a separate thread for that. I have been making beer for a while - only one or two gallons at a time and have accumulated enough apparati to to take a whack at simple wine making. I have lurked here for a month or so and have learned quite...