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  1. R

    Watermelon ordeal

    So, I have this 6 gallon batch of watermelon aging in the carboy. It is clear, tastes pretty good, but is super sweet. The day I was mixing the must, I broke my hydrometer and didn’t get a SG reading. I live in a rural area so there was no chance I could run out and buy a new one, so I dumped...
  2. R

    Grape problems.

    Newbie at this with only 3 vines. Bought in early June this year in 1/2 gallon pots labeled Catawba grape at a local Lowe’s. They have taken off and nearly completely filled the trellis. But there is something eating them up. I know Jap beetle has done a lot but there seems to be a disease...
  3. R

    Planting grapes

    I am building a trellis and planting some grapes that I started from cuttings. The trellis is on a flat spot next to my yard that has in the past been a hayfield. The ph is 6.0, but that’s all I know. I’ve been mowing it for several years and it grows grass ok. I recently acquired a trailer...
  4. R

    Hello from Kentucky

    From the beautiful mountains of South East Kentucky to be specific. I’m looking in to learning the art of growing grapes. Thanks, Rick