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  1. W

    My experience with Bay Wine Brokers

    I ordered 200lbs of 2024 Harvest Petite Syrah grapes on October 17th. Emailed, texted and called several times to find out about delivery time with zero response. Finally got tired of trying to reach someone so I filed for a chargeback with my bank. That afternoon, suddenly the grapes shipped...
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    Cooling Speidel 110 liter Variable Capacity Tank

    I am looking to pick up a variable capacity tank from Speidel at More wine to reduce the amount of Carboys I have to have. It would have to remain in my garage in Southern California which gets quite hot in the summer/early fall because my wife hates all of the carboys in the kitchen of our...
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    How many lbs of grapes fit in a 40 liter bladder press?

    I was able to get this bladder press for $500 from Aliexpress. Its a 10.6 gallon 40 liter press. Has anyone used one? How many pounds of grapes can you press at once with it? Will it hold 200lbs?
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    Malolactic Fermentation doesn't seem to be starting

    Pressed my Cab sauv. batch 5 days ago. Did a tranfer off gross lees 2 days later and added Opti-malo nutrients and pitched some enoferm Beta Malo into each carboy. Been watching the airlocks and not seeing any activitiy. Is this normal? How long does it nomally take for Enoferm Beta to take...
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    Amazing Syrah Fruit picked and crushed!

    I got a text from a vineyard in San Diego on Friday that some Syrah was ready to harvest the bext day. Went out yesterday and picked 320lbs. $.50/ lbs which is a great price! Couldn't rent a destemmer/Crusher so used the milk crate method to destem and crush. Fruti is awesome! Brix 25.4...
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    Syrah Grapes.for Sale in Southern CA

    I just got done picking my grapes and they are fantastic! 25 brix with a PH of 3.4. The vineyard loves home wine makers. $.50 a pounnd and they are top quality. Call Chris at (619) 733-9020 to arange to get some if you want them. He is in the Ramona Area in San Diego.
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    Pressing with the Wineasy

    I have a cab sauv in a 30 gallon Blichmann wineeasy and it's ready for pressing. I am going to use the piston press. Last time I used it the pomace was still pretty wet after pressing. Is there a tip for getting more from the pressing with the piston or should I just put the wet pomace in my...
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    TA after Fermentation

    Just checked on my Cab Sauv after primary fermentation. Going to press tomorrow. The PH was 3.48 and the TA was 9.3. should I not worry about TA until after Malolactic Fermentation? Would that 9.3 drop below the 8.0 range after Malolactic fermentation?
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    Fermenting in Blue Plastic Barrels

    This weekend I got mote Sangiovese grapes than I can ferment in my stainless wineeasy fermenter. I was able to get a 55 gallon blue barrel which is food grade (Peanut Butter was shipped in it originally). Its been thoroughly cleaned, soaked in PBE and is ready to go. The question I have is...
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    Best way to Heat up must after cold Soak

    I have been cold soaking some Cab Sauv grapes for the last three days. Temps have been in the mid to high 40s. The grapes have been dosed at 50ppm SO2 and lallyzime EX added for extraction. I will be boosting the brix with Dextrose as well. The question I have is since I am in So Cal...
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    Low Brix while crushing

    Just hand picked some Cabernet Sauvignon grapes here in Southern California. When tedting samples at the vineyard we were getting brix readings of anywhere from 21 - 29 brix with a little coming in at 20.5 or higher. We brought 200lbs home to crush and while crushing we were getting brix...
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    Wood aging in Carboy

    So I have made several batches of wine and have used everything from oak chips to oak cubes and oak spirals to age the wine in the carboys until I found Beyond Barrel aging staves. This makes a huge difference in the flavor of my wine. I reached out to the owner of the brand and he explained...
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    newbie Here: Messed up my first frwsh grape batch - Learning Experience

    Hey all. Just so you all know my experience, I have been making wine for a coupme of years so far. Started with wineexpert and vineco kits which turmed out great. Then tried frozen grape must from Wine Grapes Direct. This also turned out great! Found Label peelers Finer Wine kits these...
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    Milk Crate Crushing customization.

    Hey Fellow wine nakers. I am getting ready to make wine as I am getting 200lb of grapes from a local vinyard. They don't have a crusher/Destemmer so I am going to do it myself since Indon't wabt to spend $600- $1000 for one. I have heard from people that there are issues with snall whole...
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    Bay Wine Brokers

    Hi I am looking to source some graoes for my next batch and was wondering if anyone has irdered from Bay Wine brokers. If so, How was tour experience? Was shipping reasonable? I'm also close to the Temecula Valley wine area. Has anyone found any vineyards there that will sell to home wine...