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Winemaking Talk - Winemaking Forum

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  1. M

    Ordering from Brehm Vineyards

    Does Brehm Vineyards ship frozen grapes year round or only seasonally? My mother just placted an order for a pail of frozen Cabernet Suavignon grapes two weeks ago. Received an auto confirmation but no further update. She left a voicemail asking for an update on shipping ETA but has not heard...
  2. M

    Stalled Fermentation Wine Kit - under diluted must concentrate

    Got a Fontana Pinot Grigio wine kit as a present, Being new to winemaking and wine kits, I did not dilute the grape must concentrate. Just put in a carboy and pitched in yeast that came with kit. Silly me missed the explicite instructions to first dilute grape must with 3 liters of water -...
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    Making Wine from Grocery Store Table Grapes

    My first forays into winemaking from grapes is limited to seedless table grapes from my local grocery store. Varieties available are Flame Grape, Kermit the Frog Green Grapes, and Black-Dark Burgundy skinned grapes (w/ dark burgundy flesh). Overall results and notes: -Grape must brix lower...
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    Grape varieties for south central Indiana

    Researching different varieties that do well in south central Indiana - Lawrence County. Cold winters, humid summers, super heavy clay soil. Just need enough to make a a few batch of wine. Would like to start out very small - just a few test vines several varietals to start, until I figure out...
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    Greeting from South Central Indiana

    Greetings from south central Indiana (Lawrence County. I have lived here in the country for over 12 years, have horses and garden but only now thinking of growing grapes with which to make wine (for my own consumption only). Not originally from Indiana so still figuring out what grows well here...