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  1. N

    strange color

    hi friend before i made many times wine after fermantation i change bottles to make the color wines clear but this time after fermantation i try to clear the color and i move the wine to other bottle to make the color clear i moved 4 times the color is still before (after fermantation) look...
  2. N

    high pressure bottle

    hi friend i have bottled 5 bottle and one of them i bottled to stanless steel bottle which is can be stay for high pressure i put the juice and fermentation start i think there is high pressure inside i hear leaking out sound from cover i know i am trying something new but i dont know is this...
  3. N

    temperature question

    hi friends when i put my juice to bottle to make fermentation the juice tempreture was around 30c-32c after 3 days i see the tempreture is around 36c is it normal increasing the tempreture dusring fermentation do you think this temrature is 36c is normal or to high please help me
  4. N

    what do you think is going to work

    hi friends i find stanles steels tankage and it is very hard i mean there is no way to lose air from inside to aoutside when ermentation start do you think this method it is going to work
  5. N

    something different

    when you started to make wine firstly you start with one fruit after time we trie other fruits right today i was thinking to make honey wine is it possible? if it is possible how can i do if you have any idea
  6. N

    help!!!!!!!!!!! making wine

    hi every body firstly i am living in saudi arabia it know as alcahol forbidin country firstly here is very hard to find a good quality and fresh grape so i want to ask every body there is sparkling grape juice %100 no preservative added can i use this juice after removing the carbonhidrate to...