thanks Rocky. yeah my idea is to try this first and see if it's something I continue with. while I want to make a good wine, I don't want to sink $$$$ for my first attempt.
when you say "shorter shelf life" - what does that mean? I wasn't figuring leaving this batch bottled for years.
any idea...
I'm looking to get a Shiraz (Vintner's Reserve)wine kit from Midwest Supplies and their "Starter Winemaking Equipment Kit" (sry can't link 'til i have 5 posts). Do you think that's all I'll need?
I'm on the East Coast so heading into the winter season and hope to begin making the wine in my...
I like wine and now I hope to make some. I've never done anything like this but hope to enjoy a new hobby though after reading a lot of threads here, I'm very nervous.
I look forward to learning more from this great community.