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  1. Z

    Help......My Pee is stuck

    It was not racked until it became stuck for over a week. Should I still rack back into bucket? Mix up another starter?
  2. Z

    Help......My Pee is stuck

    It's in a carboy, racked it about two weeks ago.
  3. Z

    Help......My Pee is stuck

    SG started at 1.074 first yeast starter did not nothing. Added another yeast starter about a week later and started to ferment slowly. Took about two weeks to get to 1.050, added third bottle of lemon juice, energizer and nutrient. Continued to ferment until it reached 1.013 and has stopped. I...
  4. Z

    Did I ruin my first batch?

    I added the k-meta that was included in the kit. Should I add more?
  5. Z

    Did I ruin my first batch?

    Working on a Vintners Reserve White Zinfandel. After stabilizing, I splashed racked with a vacuum pump in order to remove gas. During racking I had air bubbles in the hose bewteen the carboys. About half way through I finally realized that the hose had a air leak and therefore I was introducing...