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  1. pmorris

    Homebrewer Wants to Make Wines

    PeterZ - Yes, you're correct.It's pretty much a general best practice. Homebrewers who keg use their CO2 rigs to purge carboys or kegs with CO2 prior to filling to reduce the amount of oxidation that occurswhenthe beeris racked. I've not heard of the dry ice method, but it makes sense. CO2...
  2. pmorris

    Homebrewer Wants to Make Wines

    PeterZ: Thanks for the additional comment. I don't know what would have happened if I'd oxygenated my juice, but I suspect this forum has saved me at least the price of a kit, so my time has been more than worthwhile, here. In my homebrewing, I've accumulated several 6 1/2 gallon and...
  3. pmorris

    Homebrewer Wants to Make Wines

    Thanks, Northern Winos, Wade and Smurfe for your responses. It's very helpful to get your feedback. This appears to be a really good forum and everyone raves about George. I'll be sure to order some things from here. I have a local store but I don't think they have nearly the selection...
  4. pmorris

    Homebrewer Wants to Make Wines

    OK, I'll admit it. I never tried making wines because I didn't believe that I would be happy with the quality of wines that I could make from kits. I stopped by "Thistle Meadows Winery" in the mountains of North Carolina while on a mini-vacationand was shocked to find that all of their wines are...