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  1. L

    how do i begin???

    I like the kit and id have no problem spending the money for it! I want to make a wine that is good with dinner and just for everyday...any suggestions? I just bought the book wine for dummies and wine making for dummies so I am catching on However, I am getting nervous with all of the math...
  2. L

    how do i begin???

    I dont have any equipment yet and i know that i def. want to make red wine (around 20 - 24 bottles). Also, I dont want to spend anymore than $150 for a kit. Is it hard to make?
  3. L

    how do i begin???

    alright here it goes... So i want to start making my own wine but i do not know where to start?? I was looking at finevinewines kits but im really just not sure...any suggestions??