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  1. K

    Want to bottle but wine still fizzy

    Thanks for the help guys. So with all your suggestions, yesterday I re-racked both wines back into clean carboys. I fashioned myself my own drill mounted degasser using a thick plastic coat hanger that I cut into a "J" shape, boiled and folded it into... well some weird shape. I drilled thoses...
  2. K

    Want to bottle but wine still fizzy

    Thanks! I'll follow your instructions and let you guys know!
  3. K

    Want to bottle but wine still fizzy

    Thanks for the answers gents, but like I said the wine is more then 2 months in, i seriously doubt fermentation is not complete since the airlock doesn't bubble and has not moved in the last 4 weeks. Stabalizing and clearing agents have been used as per instruction, again several weeks ago...
  4. K

    Want to bottle but wine still fizzy

    Greetings all. First time RED wine maker here (been making beer and white for 3 years now) and I am having trouble with the reds. I am making 2x wine kits that i started the same day, 2 months ago. 1. Grand Cru Heritage Estates Vino Del Vida CHIANTI 2. Wine-time premium MALBEC Both...