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  1. M

    Natural Yeast Tolerance

    It's a triple scale hydrometer. The readings go from 0.800 to 1.160.
  2. M

    Natural Yeast Tolerance

    Pretty sure, unless my readings were way way wrong. My SG was 1.082 and it finished at 0.882. The yeast I used was supposed to cash out at about 18% so needless to say I was more than surprised myself. But I digress. I made a batch using Keller's recipe/process when I first started making...
  3. M

    Natural Yeast Tolerance

    Hello, all. I'm making a five gallon batch of wild mustang grape wine using Jack Keller's old Czech recipe found at the bottom of this page. The recipe simply calls for equal parts mustang juice / sugar water and relies solely on the yeasts that occur naturally on the grapes. I'd like to know...
  4. M

    Dewberry Wine

    Follow-up question: I'm planning on using E491 (Red Star Pasteur Red) yeast for this project. Will this yeast hold up to the must? I made my choice as it compliments dark wines and complex flavors, so I figured it would preserve the berry flavor the best.
  5. M

    Dewberry Wine

    As spring's just around the corner, I'm preparing my shop for a batch of dewberry wine. I've purchased the Red Star Pasteur Red Wine yeast for this particular project hoping it will accommodate the complex berry flavors. As I'd like to make this batch as true to the dewberry's native flavor as...