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  1. N

    skeeter pee stuck at 1.018

    I think I will try this again but only use one bottle for fermentation and the other two later before bottling.
  2. N

    skeeter pee stuck at 1.018

    Thanks - I did throw in some boiled bread yeast as nutrition and the bubbles are increasing. I'll give racking a go as soon as I find a suitable container. My primary is in use with banana wine.
  3. N

    skeeter pee stuck at 1.018

    More info on stuck pee at 1.08 Apologize for not giving more info I Followed the original recipe with ec1118 but made 6 gallons instead of 5 and added extra sugar to make up the 1.07 og. Racked at around 1.05 and was going strong for a while - even needed a blowoff tube to begin with. But...
  4. N

    skeeter pee stuck at 1.018

    This is my first post. Greetings everyone My skeeter pee started off well but does't seem to want to get below 1.018. There are bubbles coming up through the wine but the hydrometer doesn't want to move at all. I would guess I am getting a bubble through the airlock every 4-5 minutes...