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  1. M

    Do you use a tilt?

    they’re 400 bucks, better than winding up with residual sugar.
  2. M

    Do you use a tilt?

    I put mine inside of a stainless steel hop bucket, it fills with juice and floats free. I love my tilt, but it’s not to be trusted down around 1.000 sg. From there I use an Anton paar densiometer.
  3. M

    Lime sulfer ok during growing season?

    my vineyard supply store sold me five gals of lime sulfer for powdery mildew…. The literature is sorely lacking on this, can I use this safely during the season in place of sulfer to prevent powdery mildew? In southern oregon, the Applegate valley. Thx.
  4. M

    Digital Refractometer

    I have the Hannah, like it, it’s accurate…I’m not sure of quality of Milwaukee any more..
  5. M

    Grape ripening time running out?

    Yes, I started using it myself to plug holes in m y bee n eating, it works great and it’s cheap!
  6. M

    Grape ripening time running out?

    is that bridal veil material?
  7. M

    Add Your Backyard Vineyard

    Thanks, Gris.
  8. M

    Add Your Backyard Vineyard

    love these bee nets
  9. M

    Do you use a tilt?

    Do you use a tilt hydrometer? I know snafflebit does from his beautiful graphs..anyway, how do you suspend your tilt in the must so as to have it float unhindered? I have mine in a ss hop basket, but the cap keeps pushing it up and the tilt then does not float.
  10. M

    Is my hydrometer off?

    Anton paar easydens, find it at more
  11. M

    Is my hydrometer off?

    mystery solved, when I calibrated this hydrometer, it was reading .002 low…so I actually had .998, not .996. However, after reading these replies, after all these years relying on sg readings as being th final arbiter of fermentation completion, I decided the only thing to do is buy a...
  12. M

    Is my hydrometer off?

    How then do we know when the fermentation is completed?
  13. M

    Is my hydrometer off?

    My +2 -2 hydrometer reads .996, my clinitest tablets say I have at least 10 g/liter sugar left. What does 10g/l equate to in terms of sg? Why are some ferments done at .996, some at .994, have even seen .992?
  14. M

    I'm alive! Grape growing 2023 begins

    Have you checked your Hanna against a standard? I have one and always wonder
  15. M

    Help! Does anyone know what this is?

    I’m in so Oregon…I’m told it is due to high temps we have, over 100
  16. M

    Help! Does anyone know what this is?

    My Syrah is turning pink and shriveling…anyone know what it is? Thx.
  17. M

    Cleaning new crusher

    What would be beat to clean a new crusher destemmer of any possible oil residue from manufacturing?
  18. M

    Anyone using bee netting

    I am this year, and wondering if I should pull basal leaves aroun bunches to compensate for shading. I’m in southern oregon, and we’ll have some days in the 100s.
  19. M

    maximum extraction when pressing whites

    how many bar do you press to? ( for bladder pressers ) 1.25?
  20. M

    Crusher question

    Also, how do you move yours? I tried to pick it off the pallet, weighs a ton…gonna have to hit the gym?