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  1. Jim Welch

    Good news for Anchor Brewing

    The history speaks for itself, pub workers have no business in a Longshoreman’s Union, now the brewery itself? Yes, that’s an industrial environment, and has SOME risk, but a bar? Are you serious? If you read my entire post you’d see I AM a Longshoreman! People in the pub have little or no risk...
  2. Jim Welch

    Good news for Anchor Brewing

    Unfortunately to make this work they may need to move production out of California. I read about this when it happened and knowing what I know and reading between the lines it was the effects of the unionization of the workers that led to the bankruptcy. Then there’s some of the crazy labor laws...
  3. Jim Welch Make your own wine remotely.

    Sounds like something for our younger generations, don’t want to use too broad a brush but the overwhelming majority of people under about 30 don’t want to do anything but use computers and/or smart phones and such. I could see this appealing to the more affluent of them. But I’m a DIY kinda guy...
  4. Jim Welch

    Finer Wine Kit Juice has separated

    If it’s under an air lock I’d let it sit on the skins that long. Not sure if you have the skins, if not it doesn’t matter and you can rack imo.
  5. Jim Welch

    UPS damage issues?

    Generally , my personal experience in both shipping and receiving shipments is that UPS is the BEST I’ve used with FedEx being a distant second. Don’t even ask me my opinion/experiences with USPS or Lasership, they are tied for a very distant last place. Typically for me when a shipper offers...
  6. Jim Welch

    Question regarding go ferm evolution

    I use it but not “with” Fermaid O. It is a yeast rehydration concoction that, according to the maker, helps yeast during rehydration. I believe you’ll find many here use it. It is not necessary per se for hydration but, again according to the maker, especially helps in must over 24 Brix which is...
  7. Jim Welch

    Finer Wine Kit Juice has separated

    It could be sugar that has crystalized too. I’ve not stored any FWKs long enough for that to happen but I buy Coloma Frozen Zinfandel concentrated juice in quart bottles that get stored in the freezer and the sugar crystallizes in them after a month or two. But Bob is right, I’d reach out to LP...
  8. Jim Welch

    Using a Siphonless Big Mouth Bubbler for Secondary Fermentation?

    I concur with others that it’s not ideal to bottle from that. I use ported Better Bottles as a secondary/bright tank. I transfer to them from my Brute buckets at 1.010-1.000 and let fermentation finish in them then transfer again after about a month to glass carboys. Doing this I generally have...
  9. Jim Welch

    New Barrels for Forum Members

    Put me down for a 40L barrel Fred. If the buy goes through I’d prefer to drive down and pick it up rather than have it shipped to me if you’re ok with that. Edit: medium toast if there’s different toast options
  10. Jim Welch

    Vinyard leasing costs

    Well if that will cover the property taxes and you’ve no near or mid term plans for the property it sounds like a win/win. I’d have a clause allowing an increase in the event property taxes go up though. I’d retain hunting rights though, you may be able to make some money from that even if you...
  11. Jim Welch

    Vinyard leasing costs

    I’ve no idea what agricultural land goes for but hunting rights used to be equivalent to the property taxes where I hunted in southern Delaware. Then out of staters discovered the great whitetail genes in the area and last I heard it is several multiples of the property taxes depending on the...
  12. Jim Welch

    freezing Renaissance yeast

    I buy the 500g bricks. I use old sanitized prescription bottles to “decant” some so to speak and vacuum pack the remainder and store in a deep freezer. Have bricks that are 4-5 years old and still viable. The prescription bottles go into a zip lock bag with several desiccant packs and get...
  13. Jim Welch

    Tiny Bubbles, In my Cabernet Sav?

    My thoughts… I wouldn’t want to dump the bottles. I’d calculate how much Potassium sorbate is needed for all 25 bottles and then add enough cooled boiled water to make a small measured amount of solution , maybe 25 or 50 ml total solution. Prior to this I’d uncork all the bottles and cover them...
  14. Jim Welch

    sodium metabisulfite reaction

    Hard to tell without seeing it in person but looks like free iron. If it is it can be removed by passivating it which can be done at home by making a 10% by weight solution of citric acid in distilled water and soaking it. I have done this at home with stainless weldments I’ve done. It is time...
  15. Jim Welch

    Training on flavor defects

    This may be an April fools joke but this IS a real thing. The Siegel Institute sells them.
  16. Jim Welch

    Punching down in commercial quantities?

    I’ve seen video of very large vats, about 25’ in diameter with a motorized 4 bladed stirrer stirring the must
  17. Jim Welch

    Argon solution at pressure ... sanity check ?

    I bulk age my wines for one year, 6 months in glass on oak cubes then 6 months in cornie kegs and seal them with 25-30 psi with argon and bottle directly from the kegs at just a 3-4 psi after relieving the storage pressure. I have decanted directly and have never seen outgassing. I would not...
  18. Jim Welch

    New to Wine making, completely overwhelmed from over researching and loving every minute of it.

    Look for used equipment on the various online sites, there’s always someone getting out or downsizing. You can save a lot that way. It’s unlikely you’ll be able to find everything you need but likely you’ll be able to find a lot of it.
  19. Jim Welch

    WineXpert How much water

    I too reconstitute my kits to an SG of 1.100, I’d buy 5 gallons of spring water, it’s more than you need but it’s better to be looking at it than looking for it imo.
  20. Jim Welch

    WineMaker Magazine Competition - Mailing submissions from Canada

    I use styrofoam bottle shipping boxes I get from and ship using ups. No problems to date. I’m in the US though