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  1. L

    Wine is too dry

    My first attempt ended up with the wine way too dry. Don’t know if I didn’t start with enough sugar, or if I let it ferment too long. I’m waiting on a hydrometer to arrive to test %,, but my question is how do I sweeten it up?
  2. L

    Beginner questions

    Thank you SO much! That answers my questions completely!
  3. L

    Beginner questions

    Okay, thanks. So if I read and understand correctly, sanitize with it, and use it prior to bottling to prevent fermentation in the bottle. And, if using fruit instead of juice, add it to fruit then wait 12-24 hours prior to adding yeast? And why do folks worry about adding it? I'm assuming...
  4. L

    Beginner questions

    i’m preparing for my second time of wine making, and hoping for a sweet red wine (first batch was from an all inclusive kit that was drier than I like). My first question, in order to buy supplies, is: what is the difference between sodium bisulfite and potassium bisulfite? What do they...