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  1. H

    Blackberry Wine

    The same Blackberry Wine it has now been stood for about six months with out being bottled no longer makes me vomit but is very sweet I have some Dandelion Wine that is very dry dare I blend the two what do you think ?
  2. H

    Blackberry Wine

    The same blackberry wine I have now left it for six months, it is very clear but very sweet, I have some Dandelion wine that is very dry dare I blend it ?
  3. H

    Blackberry Wine

    Hi thank you for your reply I have given one of my neighbors a glass full to take home they know how it affected me and are willing to give it a try, will let you know the outcome. John
  4. H

    Blackberry Wine

    I have 23litres of wild Blackberry wine that has stopped fermenting at the correct time tastes very good, when I tasted it made me vomit is this because there is to much tanning in the wine or what else could it be, if you know what is the remedy, John