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  1. Fruitwine22

    Logging and Documenting

    You are correct about the grape wine and the log above. Reds are what I’m currently trying to improve so the link provided is what I’d been using since I’ve started aging my reds over oak. for all of my other wines it’s just a spiral notebook, hydrometer and the app pictured. I use the app go...
  2. Fruitwine22

    Logging and Documenting

    The link to the form I like to use is Here I also use small dollar store stick on labels on my bottles to write abv as well as date bottled down.
  3. Fruitwine22

    Logging and Documenting

    For my winemaking I downloaded a free worksheet from Winemakers academy and laminated it to reuse with every batch. Also i use a free app from my iPhone App Store (ABV Calculator) orangish in color to plan the ABV of my wine, since the app features a beginning and ending ABV calculating the...
  4. Fruitwine22

    Bottling for beginners an overview of my learning curve

    When your first wine batch is ready, it’s an exciting moment, one that I remember very fondly. I unfortunately had one batch too many spoil because I didn’t plan the storage of my wines very well. A quick rule of thumb I go by is that after the wine clears I add a small amount of meta sulphate...
  5. Jalapeño wine must.jpeg

    Jalapeño wine must.jpeg

    As strange as it sound’s I make jalapeño wine marinading meat for my families breakfast burritos. To make the must, I use golden raisins to give wine body, one gallon of spring water (store bought) to avoid chlorine, several jalapeños including seeds (seeds give the bite) it creates a great flavor
  6. Jalapeño wine second fermentation.jpeg

    Jalapeño wine second fermentation.jpeg

    Using a carboy with a stick on thermometer I rack wine for its second fermentation using a funnel with a strainer to remove fruits and seeds. Only liquid goes into second fermentation. Clears within 40-45 days as long as pectin enzyme is added to the must initially.
  7. Fruit Wines created by Fruitwines22

    Fruit Wines created by Fruitwines22

    Photos of My fruit wines that were a hit
  8. Holiday wine.jpeg

    Holiday wine.jpeg

    After making several batches of Cranberry Wines, I discovered adding holiday spices in the must created a new family favorite
  9. Fruitwine22

    Any suggestions to make plastic bottle juice wines better?

    More than welcome! I’m happy to share what I’ve learned with the community. I look forward to learning new things myself and getting to know the community here.
  10. Fruitwine22

    Hello everyone

    Life has been a bit bumpy the past few years, luckily I’ve got more time now 🍷
  11. Fruitwine22

    Any suggestions to make plastic bottle juice wines better?

    I’ve also enjoyed success with store bought fruit juice converting it into good wines. I like a lot of newcomers started with grape juice made from Concorde grapes, the problem I always had was covering up the overpowering Concorde flavor. After trying and giving up several times I found that by...
  12. Fruitwine22

    Hello everyone

    I’ve read the forum for years and I’d like to say hello to the community. Being a fruit juice wine enthusiast since 2013 I’m excited to contribute a few posts and helpful tips on what I’ve learned over the years