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  1. D

    What happened?

    I was making a one gallon batch of carrot/raisin wine. Starting SG 1.095 and after 6 days of primary, in a bucket, the SG is down to .980 and all activity has ceased. How could this batch ferment out so quick. Another one gallon batch of pineapple/peach, stared at the same time, is now in...
  2. D

    Fast/slow fermentation

    Began some peach wine which seemed to go fine. When all action in the glass carboy had stopped for an extended time I decided to bottle. But the wine tasted sweet. SG was below 1.0. The wine store gal said if the SG is below 1.0 the wine is fermented out even if it tastes sweet to you. So I...
  3. D

    Air space

    I am not a long time or experienced wine maker. Every thing I read says when you rack, top up afterwards. With what, water, other wine or? And I guess my real question is a bit of air space really that bad? Or something only a supertaster could pick up? I know topping up is standard orthodoxy...