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  1. Flying Penguin

    Homemade vs. Commercial and what I am doing to close the gap

    Is 15 - 30 % proportional to the the initial volume or to the end product.? What I am asking is, if I am fermenting 10 gal. must, I assume that I will get more or less around 5- 6 gal. fermented and pressed juice. Should I pull 30 % X 10 gal = 3 gal. or 30 % X 6 gal = 1.8 gal to saignee before...
  2. Flying Penguin

    Spontaneous MLF

    Thanks for the answers and for the welcome :) . I am afraid chromatography test kits suitable for home winemakers are unavailable in my country. So my only option for MLF is to pitch the culture, check for bubbles, wait 4-6 weeks and hope for the best. Actually I pressed the wine 3 days ago...
  3. Flying Penguin

    Spontaneous MLF

    Hi all. I usually avoid MLF, since I like a bit of acidity in wine and generally local grapes in Turkey have relatively low acidity due to hot climate. But this year having realized that Merlot grapes that I am fermenting has a too sharp acidic mouthfeel, I decided making MLF and ordered...