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  1. R

    First time winemaking (with a kit), small whiteish floaters?

    If I want to extend the aging of this kit wine (instructions only go out to 48 days), I will most likely need some additional sulfites right? If I’m extending the bulk age of a kit wine, should I wait to put in some of the provided fining/clearing agents or just do those at day 48 like it says...
  2. R

    First time winemaking (with a kit), small whiteish floaters?

    Okay great, thanks for the response! I take it since I'm late in the fermentation, there is little worry about creating a 'wine volcano'? It's clearly not foaming up aggressively anymore.
  3. R

    First time winemaking (with a kit), small whiteish floaters?

    Hello fellow winemakers, happy to be joining you all! I am in the process of making my first wine using a kit (RJS En Primeur Winery Series, Australian Cabernet Sauvignon) and have been following the instructions as closely as I can. I completed the "primary" fermentation 2 days ago and as per...