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  1. devnull

    Two batches, one taking significantly longer to clear

    Cool. So far I'm just doing fresh fruit but juice might be a cool option at some point
  2. devnull

    Two batches, one taking significantly longer to clear

    I made a batch of peach mango wine and a batch of pear. Both fermented to dry (.992 for both actually). In both cases I added pectic enzyme before starting fermentation. With the pear I gave it about 8 hours before pitching my yeast and with the peach mango a little less. So the peach mango I...
  3. devnull

    First Batch Bottled

    I've already collected so much gear and my Amazon cart has a ton more! Also, I'm right there with you - I'm doing some mead right now but other than that it's all fruit and berry with higher ABV. My next purchase is going to have to be some racks or crates to store all this wine I've been making!
  4. devnull

    First Batch Bottled

    Just wanted to update - we just finished bottling our first batch. Mango wine, made from a high quality mango puree! I started this project around Mother's Day and just bottled today. The OG was higher than it should have been at 1.130 with a FG of 1.020, so 14.4% and it's pretty sweet - but we...
  5. devnull

    Tasting my first wine

    Btw the wine clarified nicely, it looks every bit as clear as something from the store. The picture looks less clear because it was so cold from the fridge when I shot it that it had condensation on it!
  6. devnull

    Tasting my first wine

    I made a raspberry wine with berries from our garden, and though it's not been aging super long we had a little excess that didn't fit into the carboy for bulk aging. I put it in a bottle and let it hang out in the fridge over night. It had fermented to completely dry, and I like it that way but...
  7. devnull

    First batch ever - Ok to leave this?

    Thanks for the encouraging words. I actually just racked a batch of raspberry wine out of my primary fermenter tonight. I started with a lower specific gravity (1.080) and fermented all the way to dry (.992). I added some campden and it's clarifying right now. We had some raspberries in the...
  8. devnull

    First batch ever - Ok to leave this?

    Btw because of the specific gravity, and of course the taste - I know there is still some sugar in there. Will I need to add sorbate when I get ready to bottle?
  9. devnull

    First batch ever - Ok to leave this?

    I racked it last night, added a crushed campden tablet, and topped up with a little store bought wine to get it into the neck. No more lees, and as of 24 hours later no more bubbles. Still at 1.020 ish and pretty sweet but it's delicious - just a little harsh which will soften with age I hope...
  10. devnull

    First batch ever - Ok to leave this?

    Thanks! I'm excited to see what I can make
  11. devnull

    First batch ever - Ok to leave this?

    That sounds reasonable to me! Thanks for the advice
  12. devnull

    First batch ever - Ok to leave this?

    My starter kit came with campden tablets, and I did check - they are potassium metabisulfate. So my understanding was one of those per gallon. Am I off track here?
  13. devnull

    First batch ever - Ok to leave this?

    Thanks for the reply! I started with mango puree. What's in the bottom now was everything that settled out of the wine after I racked it. Here is a picture of when I first racked it if that's helpful. As far as the gravity readings by 1.02 I mean 1.020. The recipe I followed called for a...
  14. devnull

    First batch ever - Ok to leave this?

    Hello, This is my very first wine, and I've read a ton but I'm curious. I left this in the primary for about a month, and last week I racked it into the secondary. It was the coolest thing ever seeing the cloudy liquid clear up and start looking beautiful. Now, after a week it has really...