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  1. denky28

    Screw Top versus Corks

    As have I. I never thought of the type of cork screw used to open it though. I use the kind also that puts even pressure on the glass and they work great. Probably 1/3 of my bottles are screw on top, so not using those would.make a considerable dent in my bottle supply.
  2. denky28

    WineXpert Confused about water amounts in Winexpert kit

    Great advice. I had the same problem as discussed herein with this kit. I will implement your method going forward. Thanks for the advice.
  3. denky28

    I might be drinking too much, erm...

    Have a look at the attached chart from the aforementioned books. In my opinion, the danger, at least for red wine, is not as much as some are supposing and the health benefits are pretty cool! I wouldn't get too worried about it. You'll spend your entire life trying to keep everything, wine...
  4. denky28

    I might be drinking too much, erm...

    I think The books "The Good News About Booze" and "The Very Good News About Wine" both by Tony Edwards give excellent data for you to gage this. Bottom line is up to a bottle a night you have about the same 'all cause mortality' as a non-drinker.