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  1. W

    Preserving/reserving topping off wine.

    I like the idea of topping off vs. adding objects to take up the space primarily because it results in more wine at bottling. But, the plastic rod idea seems simple enough and I'll keep that in mind. As far as head space in the beer bottle, I think I can get to virtually none with the crown...
  2. W

    Preserving/reserving topping off wine.

    I am about to perform the first racking of a Coloma Merlot juice wine into a one gallon carboy. I anticipate needing about 250ml of a commercial wine for topping off. I would like to reserve the rest for subsequent rackings. I'm thinking I can preserve the balance of the topping off wine by...
  3. W

    Would you peel this peach?

    Thanks, these peaches need a few more days to ripen. They are close but the limb broke off from the weight. I'm going to pick them now and let them finish ripening off the tree. Thanks!
  4. W

    Would you peel this peach?

    I am going to attempt my first peach wine from fresh peaches. I have read that leaving the skin on enhances color and taste. Several of my peaches have brown spots. See attached photo. Can I leave these skins on?
  5. W

    Merlot from juice – how to proceed

    Great! Thanks! Only making one gallon. I'll adjust.
  6. W

    Merlot from juice – how to proceed

    Eric, I am about to start a Coloma concentrate merlot. Did the glycerin and tannin adds help?
  7. W

    Yeasts. Pick one.

    You mean, in batch #2, take the OG high enough that the yeast can't handle the alcohol. So, it quits while there is still fermentable sugar. The second inoculation results in obtaining the higher ABV but possibly maintains the character and flavor enhancements imparted by the other yeast. I...
  8. W

    Yeasts. Pick one.

    I had originally set out to go for a high alcohol ferment so laid out the EC1118. I only took the starting gravity up to 1.095 so I should have been ok with the RC212. If I make this wine again, I'll use that to see if I can tell a difference. I'm pretty sure the 15 lbs. is not going to yield...
  9. W

    Yeasts. Pick one.

    I am roughly following Jack Keller's recipe for "Old Italian Wine." My daughter has this big unruly grape arbor and after she finished her jelly and juices, she said I could raid the vine for what was left. I think they are Concord grapes. I ended up with about 15 pounds that I'm hoping to...
  10. W

    Oaking ? and Bucket ?

    You guys let me know how that experiment works out. It made me think of a line from the song MacArthur Park. "...I don't think that I can take it. "Cause it took too long to bake it and I'll never have that recipe again. Oh no!..." Anecdotal evidence is good enough for me.
  11. W

    Oaking ? and Bucket ?

    Wow! Ohio Bob and winemaker81, you guys are great! Thank you both!
  12. W

    Oaking ? and Bucket ?

    Thank you for the information. Is the daily stirring as important when using only juice as opposed to fruit/solids? As the fermentation get closer to completion should I replace the towel with the bucket lid and air lock? Back to the oak. If I use cubes (added after the wine has cleared)...
  13. W

    Oaking ? and Bucket ?

    I started this journey when I stumbled onto a video that promised an easy recipe for a wine from store bought juice that would be drinkable in two weeks. Wow, that beat the heck out of the three months I was waiting to drink my homebrew beer. So, I ran out and purchased one jug of Ocean Spray...
  14. W

    Water evaporated from air lock

    I like the idea of a vented bung. Are they dependable and how would you know if one failed? I like the visual aspect of the liqiud air lock. Obviously, they are not failsafe.
  15. W

    Water evaporated from air lock

    I think it tastes ok and there are no bad odors so I'll keep going. Thanks for the the replies. I will switch to glycerol in the air lock. I'm learnig there is nothing about this wine making that can't be accomplished by spending another $15.00 on Amazon. :)
  16. W

    Water evaporated from air lock

    I have an old garage refrigerator that keeps everthing a frosty 59 degrees. I am aging a one gallon batch of juice wine in it. It's been about a month since my last rack and I had planned to rack again at three months and replace the air lock with the carboy lid. Bottling maybe at 6 months...
  17. W

    Air lock, topping off and aging questions.

    Thanks to everyone for the responses.
  18. W

    Air lock, topping off and aging questions.

    So, at each racking I lose a little volume. I'm thinking topping off with juice will replace what I've lost and any additional alcohol gain would be relative to the volume gained. I guess my goal is to use as little wine as possible for topping off - at least until I have some of my own to use.
  19. W

    Air lock, topping off and aging questions.

    Keep in mind I am only doing one gallon juice wines for now so questions pertain to those. 1. I am following a recipe that has me covering the primary carboy with a paper towel secured with a rubber band for the first three days and then installing the air lock. Why? I mean, why not start...
  20. W

    Do I need to add sulfites?

    Thanks for the welcome and the information about the Campden tablets. I have both. But, I used the sodium for first racking. Can I switch to potassium for next and subsequent racking/bottling with this same batch?