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  1. D

    No Cellar…..Storage Options?

    Right now it’s just that……a hobby. I’m looking to store the wine just long enough to have good flavor and then the corks will be popped by myself or by family/friends I’m sure. I should have thought about the amber bottles, we use the same color bottle for sampling of petroleum distillates at...
  2. D

    First Batch of Pineapple……Thoughts?

    Thanks! Yeast is pitched!
  3. D

    First Batch of Pineapple……Thoughts?

    Ok…… using pH paper so it’s not exact, but pH was still close to 4 so added another 1/2 tsp acid blend. Showing about 3.8 on pH now. The TA concerns me, it’s about 0.9 TA. I believe this will reduce a little after fermentation, but I may be wrong. This is the first time I’ve played with pH or TA.
  4. D

    No Cellar…..Storage Options?

    Not arguing, just asking. I’m in southwest Louisiana, we don’t see temps below 80 degrees at this time of year, I’m not sure the concrete will be that cool, do you? I’ve never checked it.
  5. D

    No Cellar…..Storage Options?

    It would become a swimming pool 😜
  6. D

    No Cellar…..Storage Options?

  7. D

    First Batch of Pineapple……Thoughts?

    This is phenomenal!
  8. D

    First Batch of Pineapple……Thoughts?

    Interesting! I had not heard of that method, only to stay away from “ites and ates”. I will try a gallon batch of grape juice concentrate like this and see how it does. Just because I’m very happy trying new things!
  9. D

    First Batch of Pineapple……Thoughts?

    Ok here is where I ended up….. Used 7 cans of crushed pineapple / chunks total to get 4lbs 6oz of fruit after the juice was drained. The cans also had a total of 72 oz of juice. I added a 46oz can of pineapple juice and the SG was 1.044. All the other amounts stayed the same except the...
  10. D

    First Batch of Pineapple……Thoughts?

    Thank you. I have to admit most of the info I’ve seen so far recommends somewhere between 4-6 pounds of fruit per gallon of wine. Sounds like I need a few more cans of fruit, or add some actual pineapple juice to get to my target volume. Especially since he may have been using the grape juice...
  11. D

    No Cellar…..Storage Options?

    Thanks. My backup plan is to put them in storage containers under the beds.
  12. D

    No Cellar…..Storage Options?

    I could do some sort of cover, was hoping to leave them on “display”.
  13. D

    No Cellar…..Storage Options?

    I do not have a cellar, they don’t work well in south Louisiana, unless you want to call it a swimming pool. Do I really need to keep my bottled fruit wine in a dark place, or just keep it cool? I can put a rack in the house, away from direct sun through a window. Will this be enough? Will it...
  14. D

    First Batch of Pineapple……Thoughts?

    Yes thank you, what I meant was that I’d add water to achieve 1 gallon total volume of liquid, or even a little more. I can use 4 liter or 1 gallon jugs for secondary so I can accommodate a little extra.
  15. D

    First Batch of Pineapple……Thoughts?

    Wasn’t sure if this was the right place to post, or if should be under recipes, but here we go. Going to start a batch of pineapple, which I have not done before. I keep reading to post the recipe for comment prior to kicking it off. Based on Jack Keller Recipe: (2) 16oz cans crushed...
  16. D

    Hello from Louisiana

    I know it gets slimy when you cook it down, at least until you really smother it and add some rotel…… I wonder if that slime would excrete in fermentation?
  17. D

    sodium metabisulfite reaction

    Ok thank you!
  18. D

    4 Liter Jug Caps - Carlo Rossi Jug

    Looking for plastic caps to fit the 4 liter Carlo Rossi wine jugs. I’ve got the bungs for the airlocks (#8 I believe) and have been using them, but I’m thinking a plastic screw cap with grommet and airlock may work better. Any suggestions? Edit….. I just found that a #6 bung may fit better...
  19. D

    sodium metabisulfite reaction

    FWK……I’m looking for caps, what are these?
  20. D

    Apple Wine not Clearing

    Checked my acids…… 0.85% TA 3.6 pH The pH is using pH strips in the 2.8-4.4 range for wine, may not be exact, but close enough I guess. TA is using a TA test kit. I did not add any acid blend during fermentation.