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  1. T

    Lots of pulp/sediment

    Thanks for all the recommendations. The hardest criticism will be from my wife when she has to drink it…
  2. T

    Lots of pulp/sediment

    Recipe is handwritten from my great-grandfather and it describes the wild yeast from the skins. Any thoughts on adding yeast at this point? Or ride it out with the wild yeast? I do have EC-1118 in the pantry from a dewberry wine earlier this year.
  3. T

    Lots of pulp/sediment

    Will adding pectin enzyme at this point impact the yeast at all? The yeast is the wild yeast from the grape skins.
  4. T

    Lots of pulp/sediment

    OG was 1.095 when placed into carboy. I have not taken SG since it was put in carboy two days ago. Airlock is still bubbling, so I know it’s still fermenting. Thanks!
  5. T

    Lots of pulp/sediment

    Long time reader, but first time poster. I’m in the secondary fermentation phase of making wild mustang grape wine. The juice from the primary fermentation was very syrup-like and didn’t filter very well, so made the decision to only filter through a colander. Based on the picture, there’s...