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  1. M

    Skeeter Pee - Always a Struggle to Ferment Dry

    I did. However I have no idea what it’s supposed to taste like at this point.
  2. M

    Skeeter Pee - Always a Struggle to Ferment Dry

    This is all the “cake” at the bottom. Almost none. I also wonder if after all this time at such a low abv per the calculation if this is any good still?
  3. M

    Skeeter Pee - Always a Struggle to Ferment Dry

    PH reading 2.56.
  4. M

    Skeeter Pee - Always a Struggle to Ferment Dry

    So that’s what the calculator came up with and the numbers I obtained.
  5. M

    Skeeter Pee - Always a Struggle to Ferment Dry

    If you have both a hydrometer and a refractometer the original gravity can be determined OGR = -400(FGH) + 2.512(FGR)+400.52 And to convert back to specific gravity OGH = 0.00432(OGR)+0.9977 as derived from: OGR = 231.61(OGH-0.9977) reference (4) Putting it all together: OGH = -1.728(FGH) +...
  6. M

    Skeeter Pee - Always a Struggle to Ferment Dry

    Awesome response time my friend lol. Bucket with paper towel and coffee cup. Ec1118 x 2 so far. I’m reading you can calculate abv using refractometer and hydrometer readings to calculate % So tomorrow I’ll try that calculation I’m reading about to see where I’m at. I still need to add the...
  7. M

    Skeeter Pee - Always a Struggle to Ferment Dry

    I’m going to jump on this thread. I’ve as well in the process of my first batch of skeeter pee. It’s been over a month. Pitched yeast 2 times now. Hydrometer reading still around 1.040. I used lemon juice from Costco (no preservatives!) Should I be pitching a third round of yeast? What am I...