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  1. C

    White wine seems carbonated

    You can tell your friends you have Vinho Verde which roughly translates to "Green Wine". It's usually a young white wine that's slightly carbonated. I've had several bottles myself and enjoy the slight fiz.
  2. C

    Blackberry juice only?

    How do you juice the pears? I'm about to start making a white wine with my green grapes and I'm thinking of throwing in a few sliced pears from my pear tree.
  3. C

    Alcohol killing Yeast

    I get it, I'd imagine a heavy drink like a Guinness would have a much differnt SG than an apple cider or something with same ABV. Now that the blackberry wine is "aging", I think I'm going to start another fermentation soon. I already have 2-3lbs of frozen blackberries, I can get another 1-2lbs...
  4. C

    Alcohol killing Yeast

    Just moved the blackberry juice from primary to secondary. Much more red and less black than I expected. Also took two SG samples just because I couldn't believe my results. Was at 0.990 after 1 week of primary fermentation which to my knowledge is very dry and "done". By my calculations, it...
  5. C

    Alcohol killing Yeast

    Thanks, I'm going to wait for fermentation to stop and than stabilize. Lets see what happens.
  6. C

    Blackberry juice only?

    I also had a big beautiful harvest this year. I'm not sure the variety of blackberries but they're big, juicy and grow in abundance. Out of all the berries I grow, I can actually take multiple bites out of the blackberry. I need to propagate more of this variety and hopefully they're a good wine...
  7. C

    I might be drinking too much, erm...

    Life is so unpredictable and a crapshoot. I know healthy people who lived "healthy" lifestyles and pass away early. I've also met people who drink or smoke (Cigarettes or weed) everyday and they're still kicking it. If you think it's a problem, definitely cut back. If your bills are paid off...
  8. C

    Alcohol killing Yeast

    Thanks.... It's not an exact science and results may vary or diverge from expected results. I guess my other option is to stabilize once wine gets to a flavour I like but in theory I'd get less alcohol and I'd have to take multiple samples of the wine.... which may be easy in primary...
  9. C

    Alcohol killing Yeast

    Hi, I'm making some blackberry wine and have a SG of 1.11. I'm using yeast with alcohol tolerance of 14%. Can I assume once I get a FG of 1, which would be about 14.5% that all the yeast would be dead, fermentation would end and that it's safe to bottle or backsweeten? Maybe these numbers are...