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  1. bein_bein

    New Homestead of the winery :D

    Well, for some reason my polebarn build video link is messed up... try this one if you're bored.. lol
  2. bein_bein

    banana wine recipe

    I know this is a pretty old thread, but here is the way I did my banana wine years ago. I tried blending with a peach wine but I found the banana flavor overpowered the lighter peach flavor, and by the time the banana flavor 'calmed down' the peach flavor was just a distant memory. I'll give the...
  3. bein_bein

    New Homestead of the winery :D

    Silly me I guess I DID post the video... guess I should look back through the thread before I post stuff.... DOH! 🤪
  4. bein_bein

    New Homestead of the winery :D

    I didn't realize i never put the video of the almost complete winery up. Here's what it looks like today,
  5. bein_bein

    1 In 5 California Early Adopters of EVs Move Back To ICE - For Convenience Reasons......

    Yup... same here in Moosagain :P and there are all sorts of special mis-directed funds from gas taxes, that's why our wonderful (said facetiously :P) governor tried running on a "Fix the damn roads." campaign that got her nowhere.
  6. bein_bein

    1 In 5 California Early Adopters of EVs Move Back To ICE - For Convenience Reasons......

    So, playing devil's advocate's a question I don't believe ANYONE has addressed... or maybe even thought about. As you know, every gallon of gas you buy is taxed (over 45cents per gallon here in Michigan) and all that money (well SUPPOSED to be all that money...that's a whole 'nother...
  7. bein_bein

    Belated Merry Christmas

    Been a crazy December here in Michgan. Just want to extend a belated Merry Christmas to all!! Here's a Christmas tune, in the style of Trans-Siberian Orchestra,that some buddies and I composed a few years ago... hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we did playing it! :D
  8. bein_bein

    New Homestead of the winery :D

    That's the goal :db 😆 🤣
  9. bein_bein

    New Homestead of the winery :D

    We are up in Michigan, about 8 miles East of Muskegon near a little town called Ravenna. :D The locals say it Ruh-van'-uh, don't ask me why when it's spelled Ruh-ven'-uh I guess that's how they can tell the people that grew up here, from the transplants.. :P
  10. bein_bein

    New Homestead of the winery :D

    LOL.. thanks... now any time I say... "OK.. so...." when talking to the wife she starts laughing.... :p I have some of the flooring left I could maybe use for backsplash ... hmmm.. got me thinking now... :D
  11. bein_bein

    New Homestead of the winery :D

    Well, I finally have the winery all done and have the first wine from New Homestead Wines in the carboy. Sure it's a kit wine but I needed something easy to get back in the saddle...In fact that may just be the name of the wine... "Back In the Saddle" Shiraz :D
  12. bein_bein

    New Homestead of the winery :D

    Nope.. by trade I used to work in tool and die as an injection mold designer, now I'm a Physical Therapist Assistant. Other than that just a handyman who likes working with my hands and bringing the vision in my head into reality :D ( but I consider the question high praise, Thank you !) The...
  13. bein_bein

    New Homestead of the winery :D

    So a tasting room is really useless without a table of some sort, right?? Finished up my pallet 'bistro' table this past week. Here it is before stain and finish completed table, satin poly sealer on the legs/support and gloss on the top..
  14. bein_bein

    New Homestead of the winery :D

    ...and DUN! Took 4 trips to the home improvement store to get all the correct plumbing supplies (which is down from my average of 5-6 Finally got the sink in and all plumbed. Ready to start planning my first New Homestead wine :D
  15. bein_bein

    New Homestead of the winery :D

    Here's a short walk-through of the (almost) completed project... :D
  16. bein_bein

    New Homestead of the winery :D

    Definitely on the downhill side of this project. Got the new counter top installed, now just waiting on the faucet and mounting clips for the sink to get that installed. Will get the ledge board and plywood shelf mounted today then some trim to make it look complete. Turns out I have enough...
  17. bein_bein

    New Homestead of the winery :D

    Sooooo..... I had been scouring Craigslist and FB swap and shop sites for the last year looking for some used kitchen cabinets for the kitchen part of the wine room. I only needed 6' of cabinets but found NOTHING, or if I did they were gone within hours of being posted, so I planned on taking a...
  18. bein_bein

    How Long Do You Wait Before Drinking?

    I usually let my wines sit in the carboy at least 3 months or more, racking as needed. Once it's bottled I will wait at least 3 months before drinking any. Ideally I like to wait every 6 months; open a bottle after 6month, then 1 year, 18 on. I make mostly fruit and veggie wines...
  19. bein_bein

    New Homestead of the winery :D be fair... #1 I'm not an old world craftsman, just a handy guy who works with all sorts of media from wood to steel and everything in between... #2 Drawing on my engineering experience of 20+ years...the frame around the outside of my door serves the same function as the step joint...
  20. bein_bein

    New Homestead of the winery :D

    Got the door finished today, so that pretty much completes the tasting room :D Next on the agenda will be the 'kitchen' area. So I can start making wines again :D Probably pick away at it this spring/summer