chilean juice

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  1. M Hoffman

    For Sale Chilean Juice Pails in Minneapolis for Spring 2025

    I am talking/working with the distributor that formerly supplied Midwest Supplies with juice pails straight from the Chilean vineyards. I would like to know if there is interest in picking up pails in the Minneapolis area. Here are the varieties that will be available: Red Juices (Chile) Barbera...
  2. A

    My Chilean Juice Adventures

    I just started 3 Chilean juices and I want to share my experiences to help others and get feedback as well. This is my first big thread, I will update with progress and I would really appreciate any feedback you have on what I post. Here is what I have: Chilean Malbec juice 6 gallons: picked...
  3. W

    2020 Chilean Juice Available in Libertyville

    I am from the McHenry County Corkers - a winemaking club from the far northwest suburbs of Chicago. We are organizing our yearly group purchase of Chilean Juice buckets and we thought that some of you might want to join in on the order. The buckets are $52 delivered to Libertyville, IL. They...