Short story. I had mead bulk aging in a 1 gallon carboy and the solid bung popped out, I don’t know how long ago this happened, but today I discovered it. The fruit flies (about a dozen) were still floating. I smelled the mead and did not detect any vinegar aroma, removed the dead insects and...
Hi everyone,
Your input really means a lot to me. I just need some clarification.
I have batches that finally survived to 1.000 after a very long journey of cooking up and errors. I racked both into new carboys which eventually ended up with big spaces on the top.
The whole story here.
So I have two gallons of the same batch of grapefruit wine. One has developed a peculiar white ring at the top of the wine where it terminates in the neck of the jug. Anyone seen this before? Should I be concerned with it? Is it just some residual fermentation? I ask because the other is clear...