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  1. zerlono911

    Question about the use of Potassium sorbate in wine used to top off a new batch

    I recently made my first batch, 5 gallons of Peach Wine. Primary fermentation for 2 weeks, then transferred to a carboy for a month. I had to back sweeten it so I also added the Potassium Sorbate before bottling to ensure fermenting has ceased. It turned out great and I'm happy with the result...
  2. Jim Cepaniewski

    I think I killed the fermentation?

    Picked up two pails of Sauvignon Blanc. As I begin primary fermentation I bloomed the yeast and added .48g of Fermaid-O. When I did this the juice irruptdid and I lost quite a bit as it fizz way over the pails. Going forward everything seemed fine. When I racked into my 6 gallon carboys I...