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  1. W

    MV Chard Kit - 6 Mo's - No nose, little to no flavor?

    Hi all, The details: Master Vintner Limited Edition 2016: Philosophie Chardonnay Purchased from Northern Brewer in Dec 2017. Yeast that came with kit: Lalvin ICV-D47 Yeast that I substituted for: Lalvin CY3079 French Medium toast cubes used during primary. Bentonite used at the start...
  2. Forager

    bulk aging with low abv

    Hi guys, Question for any cider enthusiasts, couple of things actually. So I decided I wanted to go for a lower abv batch of cider this year, something more easy-drinking. Anyway just racked my three gallon batch to a carboy to age till spring and I'm a bit concerned that the abv might...