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  1. Allie Geiger

    Backsweetening SP with Country Time lemonade powder?

    I have a batch of skeeter pee that I started last week. It has fermented wonderfully and is sitting at 1.001 now. Should be done fermenting by the weekend. I was thinking the Country Time lemonade powder would just give my Skeeter Pee that little lemonade boost. Has anyone done it? How much did...
  2. Rifleman

    Fermenting "Simply Lemonade" brand product

    Has anyone had success fermenting the "Simply Lemonade" brand product into wine, Skeeter Pee, etc.? It is currently on sale at the local Kroger store and does not appear to contain anything that might hinder the process. I apologize if this has been discussed elsewhere, but I was not able to...