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  1. W

    Beginning questions!

    Hello, I have made wine before a long time ago with my dad but it was just Welch's grape juice and it turned out alright. This time, I'm making some Prosecco for my friend's wedding gift and I bought a Prosecco Base. I'm not much of a wine person and therefore I don't know much about Prosecco...
  2. R

    Is that normal??

    Ok so i decided to make my really first wine so it's juice of orange (red one) and added some sugar and yeast like i read at the net forst day a yellow/white thong appeard in the top of the recipient (u can see the residu is still) after one week it fall to the bottom and today it looked like...
  3. M

    Noob trying for 1st time – have some questions

    I am not sure if this is going to be my hobby (probably not). But still I want to make a 1 gallon batch and see how it goes. As far as possible, I want to be using everything at home, so no hydrometer and stuff. After reading here & different sites, here are my (extremely) detailed steps and...
  4. V

    Backsweetening Strawberry Wine

    So this is my first batch, and I am learning as I go. I’ve already added potassium metabisulphite, potassium sorbate, kielsol, and chitosan. Starting SG was 1.05 ending was 0.995 I’ve been tasting my wine as I go, and it just seems very vinegary to me. I just took a sample and backsweetened...

    Wine Kit Wizard

    I'm new to the forum and I've been doing a lot of reading in the various threads. I've found some good information and some entertaining conversations going on. A friend introduced me to the concept kit wine making about 3 years ago. Since then I've done over 600 of them. What started as a...
  6. Amosmagilicuty

    New to group and to wine making. HELP !! :)

    Hello! I am a new member as well as new at wine making ( I am planning my first batch now ). I live in Michigan, and right now it is not the warmest (30 degrees and snow to be exact! LOL!). I am trying to find a location to make my wine. The back half of my house is cool (average temp is...