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  1. W

    How Many Varieties to Start?

    We are doing a test vineyard to see which varieties grow best before planting a much larger area with the "winners". How many varieties should we start with? We narrowed down our choices but still have 8 white and 10 red varieties we really want to try. The amount of research we put in is...
  2. Grape_City_Reefer

    New to the forum

    Good afternoon from dreary Erie, I am relatively new to wine making. I have been making wine for about two years now. I started out making a DD Dragon Blood on Thanksgiving day two years ago. Since then I have started my 15th batch(Seneca Lake, Finger Lakes region Riesling did a U-pick and...
  3. Amosmagilicuty

    New to group and to wine making. HELP !! :)

    Hello! I am a new member as well as new at wine making ( I am planning my first batch now ). I live in Michigan, and right now it is not the warmest (30 degrees and snow to be exact! LOL!). I am trying to find a location to make my wine. The back half of my house is cool (average temp is...
  4. M

    Bitter Wine Help

    Some background: Harvested and pressed Vidal Blanc and Chardonel in October in Western PA. Have about 10 gallons total. Fermented from 1.090 to dry. Had to add in some acid blend but used a kit to do so. PH is about 3.4 for both. Have racked with campden about 4 times now. It’s clear and...
  5. MisterHobbs

    MD country winemaker

    Hi, I'm Hobbs. I've started making non-grape wines and blogging about the process here. I'm looking forward to comparing experiences with other winemakers.
  6. G

    Another newbie!

    Hi all, glad to be a part of this. I've read so much and talked to people but never made my own wine. I'm thrilled to read up on real life experiences with the wine kits I am planning on buying. I am a software developer in Bangor, ME and swear I have no patience on things I do/make, so this...
  7. Legbone99

    Need assistance in Eastern Pennsylvania

    Greetings all. I am a brand new potential winemaker. I have the opportunity to start growing and producing wines around the Chester Springs, PA area and would really appreciate any input I can get from users in that area. I am hopeful to grow red wine grapes, although I know that that area grows...