prickly pear

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  1. Asmarino

    Successfully hygienic

    My wine is bacteria-free!!!! I gave our local food safety lab a bottle of my prickly pear wine and asked them what tests they can do. They told me one bottle was insufficient for all the tests they could do, but it was enough for bacteriological assay (without a yeast/mycological assay). I went...
  2. Asmarino

    Help! Fruit Flavour too Faint in a Fruit Wine!

    I have made a prickly pear wine that has fermented to dryness (FG 0.994). It frankly tastes like yeast, alcohol and nothing else. It was slightly acidic to my shock, because Prickly pear doesn't have much acidity. I can’t find the prickly pear flavour anywhere. I could previously when I was...
  3. Asmarino

    Greetings from Eritrea!!!!!

    Hey all, I'm a second-time fermenting Eritrean who DIYs everything because I don't have any HBS. Currently making a prickly pear wine. Wish me luck!!