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  1. Z

    Odd reaction to kmeta

    Wondering if anyone has some experience with this. I’m an amateur home winemaker and have never seen this before. I’ve got a Zinfandel going right now, started from grapes, roughly 200lbs. Pressed 3.5 weeks ago, inoculated for MLF and never added kmeta (after the initial dose pre-yeast). The...
  2. J

    Am I doing OK?? I could really use some help

    Hi all! I'm from the Netherlands and I just started making wine, I hope. I just started without learning a lot about the process, and I just used a simple step-by-step tutorial provided with a starter wine-making kit. I came up with this idea because two friends of me just bought a house with...
  3. F

    Press, MLF and Sulfite

    I currently have petite Sirah wine grape fermenting and it’s almost done fermenting. Per my research, if I want to do MLF, I shouldn’t add any sulfite in my wine. However, with pressing, I’m concerned with infection and oxidation. Of course, I’ll sanitize my wine press but I’m still a bit...
  4. R

    Sulfite management and cork juice

    As you can tell from the heading I want to get your advice on two completely different topics. Firstly, I want to know how you manage "free" sulfite concentrations in your wines. I know there's a sulfite testing kit called "Titrets", which I have understood can be unreliable. I wonder if...
  5. A

    Wine with sulfites

    Can wine containing sulfites be called "sulfited" wine? For example, can it be said of a white wine with a total sulfur dioxide concentration of 140mg/L that it is "moderately-sulfited" wine? If this is not used as an adjective, what other ways are there of saying a wine "contains sulfites"?
  6. Renders

    Do I have a Hydrogen Sulphite problem?

    Hi Guys, I am new to winemaking and I really hope you can help me. I started on a ''Wine Expert Zinfandel Eclipse'' 10 days ago and after I racked the wine from my primary fermenter (closed bucket with airlock) to my secondary fermenter (PET carboy with airlock 6 gallons) everything seemed...
  7. G

    Sulfite addition in barrel

    I am bulk aging a Merlot from a kit, pH=3.4, TA=7. Been aging in a 20 L oak barrel since November 2014. I racked in April, and at that time added 1/4 tsp KBMS. When I put into the barrel, I decided since pH was low to go with an additional 1/8 tsp instead of the 1/4 tsp. Since then I've...