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2022 Crush

Kraffty's Cottonwood Crush #3 is 10 days away, I can't believe we've already been in this home for 3 years.

We're getting excited, grapes ordered and scheduled for Sun, Sept. 11 pick-up in Phoenix. Timing is a little sucky, we’re driving down to Phoenix on Thursday the 8th to see Keith Urban in concert at the Footprint Center, spending the night then coming home. Then Sunday we'll have to go back down again, leaving about 5am for the 110 mile trip to pick up at 7am.

I’m getting a little experimental this year. Aside from pretty straight forward batches of Cab, Zin and Merlot, I’m doing a 2 to 1 field blend of Barbera and Nebbiolo, really excited about this one. Additionally I’m doing a Pinot Noir Rose with the plan of crushing and lightly pressing 5 gallons of juice immediately then combining the balance of those skins and grapes with a 5 gallon PN juice bucket for a Pinot for Lori.

I’m thinking of floating around 5lbs of the PN skins in a paint filter bag in the Rose for as long or short a time as it takes to hit a nice but very light color.

Trying a new, to me, yeast from Cellar Science called “Red” on the Zin, Merlot and Pinot, and another called “Big Red” for the Barbera Blend and the Cab. then Rhone 4600 for the Rose.

All new chemicals should be arriving tomorrow and I have a week to clean up and organize the winery. This will be my biggest crush so far and we have neighbors coming over and joining in again this year so it should be a blast. Time to start planning food for the day too.

Good luck to everyone.
