40 percent off Deluxe Starter Kit at Northern Brewer

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Jun 19, 2011
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I just got a notice from Northern Brewer that they have their deluxe kit for 40 percent till 8/22. Seems like a great deal since it comes with a floor corked and I just have the hand corked now. Also, it says that only a Better Boy is part of the deal. That's what I have now and have no complaints but it seems others don't like them. Is there a reason why? I like it because it's so much lighter than glass. Any other problems with them I should be aware of before I buy this kit? I really want to increase my production options and this seems like a great way to do it. Besides...I love a good sale!
If you want to vacuum rack or vacuum degas it cant be done with the plastic as they collapse. Once you get better into this hobby a vacuum pump will make itself well known as the tool of this trade for us. You can rack, degas, bottle, and filter all with this unit and its cheaper and stronger then most other units designed for some of these purposes but I dont thin k any of the units out there do it all like this tool does. Another thing with the plastic bottle is trying to move it, when you pick it up it will suck fluid in through the airlock and when you put it down wine usually will shoot up through it.
Hmmm, sounds expensive and complicated. I should probably put that on a Christmas list. By then I'll have a few more batches under my belt and some drinkable wine to feel like I've offset the cost. But then again, if I buy it now before the economy imploded, I might actually save money. Better than the bank!
Is this an advertised special?

I have a friend wanting to get into this and that would be a great savings for him.



I did find the sale. It uses a coupon code at checkout of "brewnow".
This sale is for the BEER making Deluxe kit. It does include 2 better bottles etc.
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